Organ Harvesting linked to Bidens China money ties. Megvii Face++ AI companies and More! 活摘器官關係著拜登家族在中國的財路,曠視科技! @TheJusticeDept @FBIWFO Congress Res. 343… Biden Article… AI Used…
Biden's "Dark Winter" at 8,000 FT Strong Mind is Crucial- As is in life!
THE HIDDEN MESSAGE! Every time a loved one dies! 隱而未宣的秘密!每當你有親人死去... @joerogan @lexfridman @AP @ryanhall5050 @bengoertzel @DrDebraSoh @ZDoggMD @realguyritchie @TuckerCarlson @megynkelly @AnthonyHopkins @SheriffClarke @nickgillespie @RT_com @elonmusk
CCP VIRUS GATE: 中共病毒門! New Documentary-RETWEET SHARE! 最新紀錄片,請轉推分享…
Strong Mind=Strong Body! TRUMP! 強大的心靈,強壯的身體!川普👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇…
DON'T PLAY WITH LION'S TAIL! Protect Taiwan-Learn from SHAH! 不要玩弄獅子的尾巴, 保護台灣,借鑒沙阿! @realDonaldTrump @PahlaviReza @iingwen @ShahbanouFarah @AP @wolfblitzer @ChrisRuddyNMX @jaketapper @AmbassadorRice @moonriver365 @konotaromp @ChrisCuomo @bbclysedoucet
100s of big Twitter accounts for an entire Year ran operations to make sure I dont get national attention about AI, Virus, China, Great Reset. I will let you in the biggest secret. They all have Conservative identities and they have been abusing and cheating the Worlds People.
ITALY MP CALLS FOR "BILL GATES ARREST"-"Crimes Against Humanity" Did they read my 87 Page Fed Lawsuit and Book? WATCH: Sci-Fi Movie-"AI: The Plan to Invade Humanity" at Link 👉👇👉… @realDonaldTrump @ItalyatNATO @Europarl_EN _ #saraCunial
Our Wuhan Chinese sources at start of outbreak informed us in Jan 2020 that the CCP lied, was covering up the enormous amount of dead bodies, delaying key information to the worlds people in time to save lives. The Regime in China must be held accountable for hurting the world!
Vote Biden if you enjoy Chinese concentration camps!
CHINA CCP ORGAN HARVESTING: People of Falun Dafa, Christians, and many More- World Must Know Mr. President- @realDonaldTrump @WHO @UN Time is Kicking! 中共活摘器官:殺害法輪大法學員、基督徒和其他很多群體的民眾。總統,全世界必須了解真相,時間緊迫。…
Cyrus's 2019-2020 warnings, books, lawsuit that a Bioweapon or virus from China would launch global AI Reset was to Protect world's people from Harm, Death! Share with All Media, Government!…
MAKE HUMANITY GOOD! THIS WAY, a Global Disaster can be overcome through HARMONY! 讓人類變好! 這樣,全球災難可以通過和睦來克服!
COVID 19 CCP Virus Warned in Cyrus' 2019 Books & China-Google Lawsuit. Why didn't Global Media Report? What are they trying to hide? 塞瑞斯在他2019年出版的著作中和對中共及谷歌的訴訟案裡公開警示中共病毒的存在。為什麼全球媒體不予報導?他們在掩蓋什麼?…
THE CYRUS REPORT- Spring 2019: to Secret Service and Whitehouse "China CCP will Unleash Invisible Bio-Weapon on TRUMP, GOP, key members of Whitehouse staff and globally to shift the tied and enslave the world's people within 1-2 years with A.I."…
Tesla Sues Trump Administration to back China CCP after knowing of death camps and CCP Virus harm to UR families! Complicity to Genocide is a Criminal Offense! 狀告川普政府的特斯拉,既知曉死亡集中營,也知中共病毒傷害世人,卻仍為中共站台!共謀群體滅絕是犯罪!…
VOTE TRUMP: Designate*The NEW YORK TIMES* Paper as a National Security Threat by Executive Order! NYT colluded with China CCP to Subvert America! @FBIWFO @TheJusticeDept @POTUS @DHSgov @CIA @NSAGov 投選川普:頒布行政命令將紐約時報定為國家安全威脅! 紐時與中共勾結顛覆美國!
.@realDonaldTrump Seize the Voting Machines and don't give weak people near you any room to fail! They will only delay and weaken your hand. China interfered, Must Act!
After Subpoena This China CCP Sex Tape Tweet, what explosive chain of events took place since? Retweet and Respond Here with timeline - Best Answer gets Free Book. 自從中共色情錄像帶推文發表至今,世上都發生了哪些爆炸性的連鎖事件?請轉推並告訴我你的觀察。最佳回答將獲贈一本新書。…
Billlions of lives are at stake in next stage. I will not explain how to solve the issue unless I get a National Platform. Those who censor me, and did so when I warned that Virus would come causing a great reset, will have to bear for all the lives that die due too censering!
If soldiers stay at Trump Hotel, they can have great steaks, see diversity of Trumps employees! Jamaican, Afghan, Mexican, Jewish, Iranian, French, Black, White! Soldiers will wonder, to what degree media unfairly labeled Trump personally a racist to hurt his Presidency!
Obama-Biden Negligent CCP Virus BioWeapon AI China Transfer Complicit in China Slave Death Camps-Published 4-2-20 奧巴馬和拜登在將冠狀(中共)病毒的研發技術轉讓給中共方面瀆職,在利用AI監控設立奴工死亡集中營方面與中共共犯, 2020年4月2日發表, 請切換到中文版…