Hey @GAINAXNET, did you license this? Chinese state media is using the Neon Genesis Evangelion soundtrack in its propaganda against Hong Kong democracy protests and I suspect it might be copyright infringement. twitter.com/CGTNOfficial/s…
After local chain Chickeeduck erected a Goddess of Democracy statue in their Discovery Park store, mall owner New World Devt has demanded its removal.
NWD is part of the local property cartel, invests hugely in China, and its chair is a CPPCCSC member.
Protesters defiant on Hennessy Road. One year and one draconian national security law later, their five demands have not changed.
Police closing in from all sides. It’s impossible to leave Mong Kok now without passing through a police line.
The slew of changes being made to HK's textbooks should be shocking, but is grimly predictable considering the following:
1) Political purges in the education sector washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pac…
2) The Liaison Office’s stranglehold on the publishing industry bloomberg.com/news/features/… twitter.com/HKGlobalConnec…
Taiwan reports this AM that 5 million Covid‑19 vaccines ordered from Pfizer–BioNTech last year have been “intercepted” due to “Chinese political intervention”: cna.com.tw/news/firstnews…
How’s that "campaign to win hearts of Taiwanese” (reuters.com/article/us-tai…) with vaccines going?
Coronavirus social distancing measures banning groups of more than four, scheduled to be relaxed this Thursday, have just been extended to October 1—not long after a protest march was announced for that day.
林鄭月娥:原定周四午夜到期防疫措施延長至10月1日 news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/compon…
“Citizens cover their faces: Carrie Lam covers her heart.”
Hongkongers are hitting the street again, this time braving both rain and a draconian emergency law outlawing masks at demonstrations.
The Uighur solidarity rally has turned into abject chaos after riot police arrived to rescue the Chinese flag outside City Hall, which was earlier lowered and left on the ground.
This is rapidly becoming a pattern: every time HK police arrest someone for subversion, secession or foreign collusion, the central government liaison office—which once avoided overt signs of directing HK affairs—loudly eggs them on. The mask is truly off. hd.stheadline.com/news/realtime/…
These designs for a new Taiwan passport cover, up for public vote by the New Power Party, are really impressive.
The results aren’t binding but follow the passing of a resolution to emphasise Taiwan over China in the passport design and national airline.
So this whole time blue ribbons and tankies have been spinning spurious conspiracy theories about the US training millions of Hong Kong protesters, turns out they were actually training the Hong Kong police.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ twitter.com/wilfredchan/st…
“Taiwan is no longer the ‘Orphan of Asia.’” - Pres. Tsai @iingwen
One of the most memorable lines, for me, from the President’s National Day address, after acknowledging the increasing global support and vaccine donations Taiwan has received.
HKU Prof Yuen Kwok-yung, who led the discovery of the SARS #coronavirus in 2003, says the coming days are our “last window of opportunity” to contain the #WuhanOutbreak, which has hit an attack rate of 83%, and calls on everyone in HK to wear face masks.
Guangdong province is requiring everyone wear a face mask in public or face fines, while the city of Shantou has closed its borders. HK officials are still refusing to wear masks or countenance a border closure as advocated by public health professionals.
Aegis 保護傘 is a cafe created to offer jobs and work visas to Hong Kong protesters who fled to Taiwan.
Located just opposite NTU at 新生南路三段70巷, it offers a mixed menu of pasta dishes plus classics like 西多士 and菠蘿油, as well as free books and pamphlets on the protests.
This morning police were filmed chasing and tackling middle-schoolers outside Confucian Tai Shing Ho Kwok Pui Chun College in Tai Po, where yesterday around 100 students who wanted to participate in the #antiELAB strike were locked inside a classroom.
A year in the life of Hong Kong’s National Security Law: every day, a new “red line.”
via @StandNewsHK