Ryan Ho Kilpatrick 何松濤(@rhokilpatrick)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

HK01 reports that three maritime escape routes connecting HK and Taiwan, plied by protesters since July, have been effectively “plugged up” since China’s coastguard strengthened its presence in the waters around HK in order to intercept fleeing dissidents. hk01.com/article/516387…
Macau has passed a law requiring all passengers aboard public transportation to wear face-masks from today to prevent the spread of #2019nC0V, joining Guangzhou. Hong Kong’s government is still fighting a court appeal to impose a law banning face-masks. hk01.com/%E7%A4%BE%E6%9…
What was the justification for shutting down the entire MTR network at 1800 tonight? No protests planned. The gov’t is so nakedly trying to manufacture mass hysteria that they hope will turn the public against protesters it’s hardly worth commenting on. A curfew in all but name.
Chinese netizens have accused pop idol Hebe Tien of S.H.E. fame of supporting Nancy Pelosi because—wait for it—she posted a picture of herself eating pasta on IG yesterday and Pelosi has Italian ancestry. You cannot tell me these things are unrelated. appledaily.com.tw/entertainment/…
This is the scene outside Hong Kong’s Queen Mary Hospital, where medical workers are striking to demand the government close the city’s border with mainland China to contain the #WuhanCoronavirusOutbreak and provide adequate support for both hospital employees and regular HKs.
Aegis 保護傘 is a cafe created to offer jobs and work visas to Hong Kong protesters who fled to Taiwan. Located just opposite NTU at 新生南路三段70巷, it offers a mixed menu of pasta dishes plus classics like 西多士 and菠蘿油, as well as free books and pamphlets on the protests.
Has Hong Kong become a police state? Let’s hear from the FTU’s Alice Mak.
Is 免費香港 still OK? twitter.com/HarryBaldwinPG…
Becoming a broken record here but once again: the HKPF’s own guidelines say pepper spray is only for use against “physical action [that] might cause injury to oneself or others." There can be no justification for this. Will this officer ever face discipline? Can he even be ID’d? twitter.com/studioincendo/…
Tens of thousands of people are coursing through the heart of Causeway Bay. At the tail end of the march, Victoria Park is still full of protesters waiting to file out and join the march.
Kettled on Nathan between Saigon and Ning Po after a blue flag was raised near where Student Politics members were giving out face masks. Most journalists were allowed out after checking our press passes but some reporters, either students or from small outlets, were retained.
Today HK protesters have been circulating a colour-coded guide on how to treat local businesses: 💛 Pro-democracy stores = support 💙 Pro-Gov’t stores = boycott ❤️ Vocally pro-Gov’t chains = “redecorate” (posters, paint, etc) 🖤 Triad dens and Gov’t bases = “refurbish” (smash)
Blue flag already raised at East Point, Causeway Bay, the starting point for today’s proposed National Day march to Central calling for the release of 12 young Hongkongers being held incommunicado in a mainland detention centre for over a month.
CCP mouthpiece @PDChina stealing my footage (and others) without attribution, then saying the footage—in which journalists are deliberately targeted by police water cannons—will “make you feel good!” Doesn’t get more unprofessional or inhuman than this. weibo.com/2803301701/J9L…
Nothing gets the blood boiling quite like listening to a podcast on US-China diplomacy in which American experts talk about/over Hong Kong like it’s just some political poker chip and not home to millions of people who have been struggling for decades to decide their own fate.
Outside LegCo, a one-man protest calling for immediate restoration of the 6 September Legislative Council election delayed for at least one year by Chief Executive Carrie Lam.
The Taiwan-Hong Kong Services and Exchanges Office officially opened in Taipei at 10:00 this morning to provide humanitarian assistance and other services to Hongkongers who wish to study, do business, make investments, or seek asylum in Taiwan.
A message circulated by the admin in this HK protest Telegram group recalls the names of Black Americans killed by police violence in recent years before concluding: “If we turn a blind eye to the suffering of others... we have no right to ask others to care about our suffering.”
Just in from today’s foreign ministry press briefing: Beijing explains there can’t have been an incident involving Chinese and Taiwanese diplomats in Suva because “Taiwan has no so-called diplomats in Fiji” and Chinese Embassy staff were provoked by _a cake_ bearing the ROC flag.
Just heard a news presenter refer to these structures, used to impede police vehicles at protest road blocks (and possibly ritual purposes), as “Stonehenges.” FYI they are trilithons—and that is the first time I’ve got to use my archaeology education since moving back to HK. 💁‍♂️
Again: despite their “One Country” bluster, Chinese nationalists do not actually view us as their coequals or compatriots. They view HK as a colonial possession, and us as their unruly subjects. They’re not championing unity, they’re asserting ownership. twitter.com/rhokilpatrick/… twitter.com/yskevinhuang/s…
Protesters defiant on Hennessy Road. One year and one draconian national security law later, their five demands have not changed.
They took the #HongKongProstests Lady Liberty statue all the way up Lion Rock this morning!
In the atrium of the upscale Landmark shopping mall in Central, a rally begins to support striking Hospital Authority staff and reiterate their demand that Hong Kong close its border with the mainland to stem the spread of #2019nC0V, which killed its first local victim today.
Lady Liberty on wheels leading #antiELAB protesters’ retreat east toward Causeway Bay.