ladies pull out your bellbottoms abba said its cool girl season twitter.com/PopCrave/statu…
to my fellow nonblack poc, i urge you to use your voices to stand alongside the black community and black voices. our responsibility is to listen to, amplify, & elevate them, not override the narrative or use our own position as poc to equate their trauma with our own experiences
ask your white friends, “why havent you posted about george floyd?” and see what they say. see who values the aesthetic of their account more than black lives, or who doesn’t recognize and utilize their privileged platform, or who uses wokeness as a performative tool for clout
instead of saying “i dont see color,” why dont you instead see color, understand the history behind it, and learn to value human beings of different races rather than erasing their roots in order to deem them worthy of life and respect?
white people be like its okay to loot cultural sites, ancient tombs, entire countries’ resources, and invaluable historical artifacts, but target? thats where i draw the line ❤️
yes offense but if you dont support black lives, we are not friends, i will not associate with you, i would like you to block me, please do take this personally
white people and nbpoc, you arent going to get a pat on the back or brownie points for your activism and donations. your posts and reposts will not and should not be met with individualized praise. if its what you’re expecting or why you’re posting, your activism is performative.
black lives matter even when it isn’t a trending hashtag.
somethin about ruining friendships with people who havent been showing support as allies lately just sits right with me
“people shouldnt be rioting and looting” ok and cops shouldnt be killing unarmed black people just for existing so???????
privilege is when you can “take 24 hours to process this all” while during those 24 hours black people & their allies were being tear gassed, shot at with rubber bullets, ran over, and assaulted while protesting for their right to live. racism is not a new concept. process faster
the president just threatened the country with martial law because people are rightfully seeking justice for an innocent man’s murder. the president just threatened the country with martial law rather than arresting 3 murderers.
normalize ruining racists’ academic and professional futures!
yall, INSTAGRAM’S FEED IS NOT CHRONOLOGICAL! this means that if you are posting a black square, for the next WEEK it’ll be clogging the tl, hiding valuable and helpful information, and suppressing the same Black voices you are trying to uplift and listen to by posting the square!
that innocent, unarmed people should not be killed by law enforcement shouldn’t even be a question, much less a controversial one. there’s no debate about it. there shouldn’t be anything to politicize. it’s the most basic and fundamental human right
performative allies post a blank black square on instagram after being silent for the past week and be like “thats enough activism for today😌❤️”
“but im not racist!” wrong. even if you were never taught racism and have never perpetuated it, its still something you have to actively unlearn. living in a racist system breeds and imprints racist ideologies and biases, conscious or not. that’s why educating is so important.
white people, if you’ve been mentally and emotionally drained for the last few days from constantly thinking about race and injustice, imagine what its like for poc every day of our lives
if you hear “black lives matter” and your immediate response begins with “but—,” you’re racist. thats it. there are no “but”s.
dollskill racist and their clothes ugly as fuck damn pick a struggle 😭😭😭
fellow nonblack ppl, the conversations we’re having SHOULD be making you uncomfortable right now. there’s nothing placating or nice about police brutality and racism. if you’re comfortable, you’re not paying attention
i saw yall make a gofundme to help kylie jenner become a billionaire when she was $100m short and i hope u clowns who donated to that are opening ur purses now