2. To utilize every opportunity to bring our voices to the world, I am sure that Hongkongers will support whoever from Hong Kong on the list, be it Edward Leung, @joshuawongcf, or other brave protesters.
3. I would like to use this precious moment to draw the world’s attention to the 12 Hongkongers that are still detained in China’s prison. For nearly one month, they are still barred from any access to family-instructed lawyers. I hope they can return back soon and safe.
4. Amid Beijing’s authoritarian expansion, this honor also reminds us of our shared destiny. Under its expansionist nature, China is now posing enormous threats to democracies. I hope the world can stay united to safeguard our shared democratic values.
5. I hope political prisoners will be released soon and reunite with their families;
I hope protesters in exile can one day come back to Hong Kong without fear nor threat.
6. No matter what the future will be, I will continue speaking out for Hong Kong. Just like what I pledged four years ago as the youngest lawmaker: I will use my whole life to serve the people of Hong Kong, but not tyranny.
Don’t lose hope in the darkness.
Let’s fight.
State media controlled by CCP = joke. A notoriously bad one. It’s all about misinformation and smearing campaigns.
#StandwithHongKong twitter.com/globaltimesnew…
My #Thai friends, keep fighting!
Say no to dictatorship!
Thank you for your kind and beautifully written words @benedictrogers ! twitter.com/benedictrogers…
This is one of my most dedicated speeches.
It’s about the story of Hong Kong and myself.
It’s about democracy and freedom.
It’s about love and departure.
See you all in a few days.
Join the first-ever online Oslo Freedom Forum, September 24-25. #osloFF bit.ly/2E3j0eU
Interview with @ChinaUncensored
I was obviously quite tired when the it took place. Life has not been easy, as we all know. But we persist, and fight till the end. 😉
Fighting For Hong Kong In Exile | Nathan Law youtu.be/NYCCFyg-rh0 via @YouTube
1. I am thrilled to learn that I am part of the #TIME100 2020 list. It has been a tough year for me -- leaving my hometown and embarking on an exiled life. But with no regrets, I become more determined to commit myself to the intl advocacy front of the Hong Kong Protest.
2. It is the protestors that influence the world and wake everyone from the wishful thinking on China -- the unrealistic hope that the regime will be open and democratized when its economic power expands. The reality suggests CCP is making an even more authoritarian turn.
3. We all fight for democracy and peace. But to achieve it, we need to hold those in power accountable, instead of silencing the unheard. I hope the world can support Hongkongers' struggle and fight for preserving democratic values for all of us. #StandwithHongKong
The speech from #BTS in #UN was touching and I hope that the encouragement also applies to the freedom fighters in Hong Kong. The message from #RM is the part I like the most.
Keep your faith in the darkest time.
See you all tomorrow! #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/OsloFF/status/…
I appreciate the donation campaign from @ProtonVPN to support organizations in Hong Kong that offer humanitarian assistance to our fellows.
This clip gives you a brief understanding of what's wrong in Hong Kong now and how to support us.
#StandWithHongKong twitter.com/ProtonVPN/stat…
To learn more about my activism and the Hong Kong protest, you can enjoy my emotional speech in @OsloFF
From Hong Kong to the World: Activism in Exile | Nathan Law | 2020 youtu.be/r0TpVFTagfk via @YouTube
Another great interview and podcast. twitter.com/GuardianComms/…
"YOUNG" HKers? Come on. This is a vivid example of misinformation campaigns. twitter.com/globaltimesnew…
My latest op-ed:
//I am proud to be a Hongkonger, and I will never abandon the pursuit of democracy, which is ingrained in our identity. Even though I am in exile, and have said a seemingly eternal goodbye to the city I love, I do not regret my choices//
//Like many other protest movements, ours is built on the empathy we have for one another. Those who are in power and obsessed with power can never comprehend that.//
Give Hong Kong the Autonomy It Was Promised nytimes.com/2020/10/01/opi…
Another oped in @berlinerzeitung . Promoting the idea of Hong Kong democracy in Germany and Europe is crucial.
Von Hongkong nach London: Ein Leben im Exil berliner-zeitung.de/30-jahre-einhe…