Nathan Law 羅冠聰(@nathanlawkc)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

[ 🇫🇷 My letter to President @EmmanuelMacron] Yesterday, I appealed to the President of France Macron to raise concerns over the human rights violation in Hong Kong with Chinese FM Wang Yi. It’s important that the democracies stand together and defend democratic values. #FREEHK
2. Under #China's #wolfwarrior diplomacy with authoritarian intimidation, it is just politically hypocritical for such a tyrannical regime to claim itself as the promoter of peace, not to mention its expansionist ambition in the South China Sea and its repression in #Hongkong.
3. Also it’s doubtful whether the so-called “change through trade” policy really works. After decades of economic cooperation, #China's human rights situation just worsens, w/ universal values becoming taboos & hundreds of rights lawyers arrested. What are we really changing to?
[Dictators disguised as multilateralist] 1. While #Wangyi claims #China promotes multilateralism & peace, Wang just intimidated the democratic gov of #czechrepublic & warned its senate speaker @Vystrcil_Milos will pay a heavy price for his #Taiwan visit…
4. Don't forget China posed threats in EU backyard in recent years, by challenging EU authority w/ its #BeltAndRoad & 17+1 initiative. EU leaders should cautiously reconsider whether China is a trustworthy partner while it continues to export its authoritarian influence overseas.
1. On the first day of my #Berlin trip, I met with the chair of European Parliament's China Delegation Reinhard Bütikofer @bueti in front of the famous Brandenburg Gate. I hereby thank MEP Bütikofer for his leadership in the group and constantly supporting the Hong Kong struggle.
2.President Reagan delivered the famous “Tear down this wall” speech in front of the gate in 1987; two years later, the wall collapsed. History teaches us not to lose hope and keep the faith in freedom and democracy. Hope the people inside the other wall could enjoy freedom soon.
Terrible police violence once again, and none of these Hong Kong police officers will undergo any forms of investigation. The autocracy feeds them. We need justice to be done. #FreeHK #StandWithHongKong…
Thank you for coming all the freedom fighters in #Berlin💪🙇‍♂️
A new approach is needed to hold China accountable, to defend democracy. Action-based, value-based policies and human rights clauses in trade agreements. Don’t go for the old appeasement way and “trade to change” illusion. A strong response is needed. #FreeHK…
Four years ago, I was elected as the youngest legislator in HK at 23. A year later, the govt unjustly ejected me from the council . Now I am an exiled activist that narrates the story of HK, with larger impact than before. Short term defeat doesn't count -- your persistance does
Watch how the Hong Kong police treated this frightened girl who was only walking on a shopping street. #FreeHongKong #StandWithHongKong
#BoycottMulan BBC News - Mulan: Why Disney's latest reboot is facing boycott calls…
Why we should #BoycottMulan? It’s about hypocrisy. In Hollywood movies, they claim to embrace social justice. In fact, they kowtow to autocratic China disgracefully. They shamed themselves by upholding values they don’t even believe in. Movies, should be more than money. #FreeHK
Thank you so much for standing up for Hong Kong @PoulterWill !💪 We need more support from influential figures and artists! #StandWithHongKong
Yes she is nuts.
Aktivist Joshua Wong: „Ich kann mir kaum ausmalen, wie weit Peking gehen wird“… via @welt
🇺🇸 To all the people and my friends now in California: stay safe and stay strong 🙏🙏
It’s an important commitment. Hope that @SadiqKhan can do the same. London mayor hopeful pledges to axe twinning arrangement with Beijing and enact measures to welcome Hongkongers | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP…
Most of you don't know how devastating the situation of the detained 12 HKers in China is: no information, legal services denied, necessary medicine barred. No one knows whether they're alive. If we lack intl pressure, CCP will DO EVERYTHING on them. Make noise, make an impact.
@EmmyScilaris Thanks for doing this. May I know where the place is?
Outrageous. Iranian champion wrestler Navid Afkari executed despite global outcry…
This looks terrible. Accepting "Xi's speech" from this awful ambassador -- I see it as an insult to the democratic values that we all share. Stop helping CCP to spread their propaganda and infiltrate the democracies. This is an extremely bad move from the new British Ambassador.…