Nathan Law 羅冠聰(@nathanlawkc)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Thread: A checklist of what Taiwan does to battle the outbreak (source from the internet) ✅ Travel History check at the airport on arrival ✅ Passport checked for travel history at airport ✅ Temperature and health checks at airport ✅ Hotels temperature checks at check-in
What are the Chinese Communist Party afraid of? They failed everyone in the world.… via @hongkongfp
Virus outbreak— The failure of the western govts does not justify Chinese authoritarianism. If you want to draw a comparison to show how incapable your country is, look at TAIWAN — not China. Taiwan’s success builds on heavily doubting every information China is giving. It works.
How CCP propaganda works: 1. Groundlessly accused the US of spreading the virus in China 2. Based on 1. , CCP claims the originality of the virus is “controversial” 3. As it is “controversial”, addressing "Wuhan" to describe the virus is "biased" and "racist" That’s a true hoax
China spends billions on it's international propaganda, with lies. Here's their recent move: 1. Exaggerate their result of containment 2. Fabricate a cooperative gesture 3. Accuse US of spreading the virus, which is fake and groundless Be aware of them.
//Totalitarian movements are mass organizations of atomized, isolated individuals...... their most conspicuous external characteristic is their demand for total, unrestricted, unconditional and unalterable loyalty// The Origins of Totalitarianism - Hannah Arendt See Emperor Xi.
Press in Hong Kong are being profiled and targeted. The vocation of a free media is to reveal and document the truth, while the police and govt endeavor to conceal them. High conversation of pepper spray burns eyes. The reporter suffered, because he did his job. credit: PPPNews
Too bad to see news about Asians being targetted because they wore a mask. Wearing a mask does not mean being sick. It's a protective measure that blocks virus carriers and avoid infecting others when you're symtomless. It's a herd responsibility. Healthy persons can wear masks.
As we all know, the CCP is full of lies. //The number of novel coronavirus patients in Wuhan, the epicenter of China's virus outbreak, was manipulated in time for President Xi Jinping's visit last week, a local doctor told Kyodo News Thursday.//…
It is utterly painful to watch how a WHO official shunned the question regarding Taiwan’s membership and performance. They neglect a staunch alliance base on purely political arrogance. Why don't they call themselves Chinese Health Organization CHO? Such a shame. Clip: Pulse@RTHK
//The newspaper says scientists have warned Johnson that China could have downplayed its number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus "by a factor of 15 to 40 times." //…
//Taiwan's foreign ministry said 7m of the masks would go to the EU and particularly hard-hit EU member countries as well as the UK and Switzerland, a pledge more than three times the amount China promised the EU.//… via @FinancialTimes
HK loss of autonomy = loss of opportunities China has been ruining HK. U.S. officials granted Google permission to turn on a high-speed internet link to Taiwan but not to the Chinese territory of Hong Kong, citing national-security concerns… via @WSJ
So funny watching the pro-CCP online army trying to attack Bright. They think every Thai person must be like them, who love Emperor Xi. What they don’t understand is that Bright’s fans are young and progressive, and the pro-CCP army always make the wrong attacks. #nnevvy
Assemble, my Thai friends. #nnevvy
I really have to admit that the ability of making #memes from our Thai friends is phenomenal. I have always been an admirer of the Thai creative advertisements
WRONG. WHO has nothing to do with the combat on the virus in Hong Kong. We took more proactive approaches and learnt from the past SARS experience. WHO is a corrupted organization that tilted to CCP.…
Plus a huge internet wall.
The democratically elected legislative council member Roy Kwong was arrested during his on-site supervision tonight. He was pushed, charged by numerous polices, hit by baton and pepper sprayed. Solid proof of excessive police violence, esp. towards people’s representation.
[ Live Alert ] It is my honor to be joined by Professor Clifford Stott, a former member of the International Expert Panel of the IPCC, for a conversation on the IPCC report and his own study on the Hong Kong protests, to be published in the near future. Stay tuned.
[ Facebook Live Streaming: Joint Conversation with Professor @cliffordstott ] We are now streaming! Watch it on…
My latest op-ed in Nikkei Asian Review. The introduction of the National Security Law to Hong Kong would destroy its autonomy.…
Rally Live: Sea of people reappeared in Hong Kong to protest the upcoming National Security Law which endanger the freedom and safety of Hong Kong people. #HongKong #Protest
Tear Gas City: The police fired TG once again in the city center of Hong Kong, without any forms of disorder from the people. This is the future of Hong Kong under National Security Law: No freedom of assembly and speech. Source: CUHK student press #HongKong #Protest
Clearly, the Hong Kong police now are free from legal consequences.…