The future looks like very grim or bleak.
But I think the situation is always very dynamic. Beijing is always suffering from numerous pressure, no matter domestically or internationally.
I don't feel like we are entirely hopeless now.
Fact: Under the provision of the national security law in Hong Kong, even if you are an alien breaching the law in outer space, you are still in danger. It covers anyone at any places. twitter.com/GordonGChang/s…
As my plane took off, I looked down wistfully for one last time at the city I love so much, with its skyscrapers, its ferries and its fabulous fizzing energy.
mol.im/a/8490243 via @MailOnline
We are grateful to the UK for offering sanctuary to three million HongKongers. Now we need to see a unified and forceful response from all nations that respect democracy to contain the new Chinese expansionism – or Taiwan will be next.
mol.im/a/8490243 via @MailOnline
Another op-ed on @Independent
//I hope that my little contribution to the movement will eventually lead to a bright Hong Kong future. I will be able to go back, once we all enjoy the freedom which the movement aims to restore to the city.//
THREAD: 1. The Committee for Safeguarding National Security held its first meeting. It promulgated the implementation rules for NSL. The rules give law enforcement authorities, including the HK Police Force, a wide range of powers when handling ESS cases.
‘Without global pressure China will always be authoritarian’ - Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Nathan Law channel4.com/news/without-g… 來自 @jonsnowC4
Honored to be interviewed by @richardquest and explained the latest developments in Hong Kong politics. We need the support from the international society. twitter.com/firstmove/stat…
After writing on @Independent and @DailyMailUK, here my latest op-ed on @TheSun . Visually attractive design with an enlightening quote: “warn the world of China’s brutal regime.”
Let’s work together to protect democracy and freedom.
I have issued an open letter appealing to countries — #Australia, #Finland, #Germany, the #Netherlands, #NewZealand, the #UK, and the #US — that have signed extradition treaties with Hong Kong to suspend such arrangements. Hong Kong no longer enjoys the rule of law.
Latest Update: #Australia suspends extradition agreement with Hong Kong
Friends around the world, let's keep pushing and urge the other countries to follow the practice. twitter.com/nathanlawkc/st…
Thanks @Quicktake for the interview. Hope that the international community understands more about the draconian national security law. twitter.com/Quicktake/stat…
The communist party is scared now. They are afraid of the power of the people demonstrated in the pro-democracy camp primary election. The CCP is going to suppress the election at all cost. We need to stand firm.
#hongkong twitter.com/damon_pang/sta…
Beijing tries their every effort to halt the primary election of the pro-democracy camp. But the Hong Kong people will respond it with a firmer stance — we will exercise our freedom of expression to support our political representatives. Go VOTE! 🗳️
Thank for the invitations @FareedZakaria. Talk to you soon. twitter.com/FareedZakaria/…
In the meantime, lots of freedom-loving French fellow people staged a demonstration in Paris to #StandWithHongKong and oppose #nationalsecuritylaw.
Now the world sees us.
580,000 Hong Kongers cast 'protest' vote against new security laws reut.rs/2WbXVow
Main takeaways:
-HK movement is alive,primary election was successful
-Countries like the #US should end extradition to Hong Kong
-Sanctions placed on officials& Police that are responsible
-Boycott 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
-Countries should not be bought by China
#HongKong twitter.com/FareedZakaria/…
Decent move. Go for the petition! twitter.com/HelvetinPastor…
Reuters: China announced on Monday sanctions against U.S. officials and entities in retaliation for Washington’s sanctions against senior Chinese officials
I mean, who cares? Chinese officials are desperate to get their money out of China, not the opposite.
2. Then, just before touching touch some 12 hours later, I saw buildings of varying heights beneath a cloudless sky. In this strange land, I began planning for the life ahead of me. There remains so many uncertainties.
3. Every individual decision we make has broader ramifications. We don't live only for ourselves. Thus far I've kept a low profile on my whereabouts in order to mitigate the risks. I never had the opportunity to deliberate much before my departure.