Injustice is everywhere in Hong Kong -- to the Hong Kong people, and people from aboard. twitter.com/demosisto/stat…
//At a press conference in the Swiss Alpine town of Davos on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, Trump said “we would like to see we can do something” about the issues in China and Hong Kong.//
theepochtimes.com/trump-hong-kon… via @EpochTimes
Things are getting REALLY REALLY BAD.
China coronavirus: travel ban issued for residents of Wuhan scmp.com/news/china/soc…
It is a man-made disaster.
//“From 2003 to 2020,” according to one article shared by a government adviser on a WeChat group, Beijing’s “conduct has not changed at all.”//
Is China Setting Itself Up for Another Epidemic? nyti.ms/36gEWeJ
I agree that there is a serious public health emergency, but I have no confidence in China given to their track record of concealing information and falsifying records. The outbreak is huge -- and I strongly advise that everyone in the US to be aware.
I feel strange to walk on the street wearing a procedure mask in the US -- passerby sometimes stare at you and express a puzzled face. But it is crucial for us to adopt this culture in the epidemic outbreak: it is a manner of protecting the community.
Get used to it.
I am honored to attend 2020 State of the Union address on Tuesday night as the guest of @SenRickScott. Hong Kong is crucial - it represents the spirit of freedom and democracy in the era of democratic recession. It gets strong bipartisan support and we are all united.
//”I am honoured to have Nathan as my guest,” Scott said. “Nathan is an inspiration in the fight for freedom and democracy, and he has sent a powerful message to Communist China that the people of Hong Kong will not back down or be silenced.”// scmp.com/news/china/art…
Hong Kong Democracy continues to be a strong bipartisan issue, which keeps uniting the force for freedom and democracy. I hope this invitation builds a tradition that there is always a Hong Kong activist invited to attend #SOTU every year! twitter.com/SenRickScott/s…
Terrible scene created by the notorious HK Police. twitter.com/ezracheungtoto…
Great to speak at Munich Security Conference.
The corona virus outbreak proves that the mistake from an authoritarian country threatens the world. We have to preserve the liberal values by collective effort.
We need to be vigilant to safeguard our democracy.
Evidence of a failed state: toilet paper became a target of robbery. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
Outragous. China shamed a whistleblower who helped cure the people, and expelled reporters who reveal important information to the mass public. What's next? twitter.com/WSJ/status/123…
A great thread on what was happening during the talk @joshuawongcf and I gave last night. Hope that the US universities could address the problems mentioned in this thread and we work to create a positive environment for a constructive dialogue. twitter.com/MeganAmmirati/…
This talk is a reminder: Protest in Hong Kong is not over yet. We fight for democracy and autonomy promised by Beijing in an international treaty. We need to hold China accountable. They have to play by the international rules if they want to joshuareap the benefits.
한국의 30~40년 전 민주화 운동은 홍콩 사람들에게 깊은 감명을 줬습니다. ‘택시운전사’와 같이 한국의 민주 항쟁을 담은 영화는 홍콩 사람들을 울렸습니다. 이런 한국이 최근 코로나19 확진 환자 수의 급격한 증가로 어려움을 겪고 있다고 들었습니다. 홍콩 사람들은 한국 사람들과 함께할 겁니다.🇰🇷
//While civil society has been providing medical and other kinds of support to the elderly and the underprivileged, Hong Kong's government has taken advantage of the concern and confusion caused by coronavirus to stab its citizens in the back.//
The Chinese State Media is not a media at all. It does not have the bare minimum of media ethics and always veil the truth in the interest of CCP.
It is a timely response. It reminds us that China is abusing the openness of democracy to anti-democracy. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
A precise conclusion.
//it is the canker in China’s body politic that turned the coronavirus outbreak into a health crisis far worse than it needed to become. And the epidemic, in turn, has only exposed the extent of the party-state’s sickness.//
My deepest gratitude to @freedomhouse for using an image of Hong Kong protest as the cover of their latest annual report. The worldwide democracy index once again declined -- and we need a global effort to restore it.
Get used to put on a surgical mask. It blocks most of the virus-carring particles. It helps you to avoid spreading the disease while you don't have any symptoms but infected. It helps decrease the infecting rate in a community. In Hong Kong, we see it as civil responsibility. twitter.com/laurelchor/sta…
You criticize Emperor Xi, you disappear. This is how the Chinese way of "freedom of speech" works. Pathetic.
Be responsible to the people around you. Avoid unnecessary contacts if you are exposed to potential infection. twitter.com/yashar/status/…
The Chinese Communist Party propaganda strategy is clear: shift all the blames to the US and crown Emperor Xi for the battle against the virus. But there is no victory in China yet. The effectiveness will be tested when people resume work and the info is still not trustworthy.