Very dangerous situation in Poly U. Slaughter may begin anytime soon. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
Many first aiders at #PolyU conducting humanitarian assistance are being locked down in the campus and facing attacks. The police have been arresting them to prevent proper medical treatment for people in need.
This is War Crime. Stop raiding in PolyU and let all to leave safely.
Are the frontline police losing control, or they have received such order to get prepared for the next massacre?
#Saveourcity twitter.com/demosisto/stat…
The world is watching. twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
Fired tear gas to a congested traffic without any reasons. That’s how outrageous the police are. And they are acting with IMPUNITY. twitter.com/demosisto/stat…
Thank you Mr.Speaker. Hope we can accumulate more international pressure to the govt and get them to do what they should do: protect the people, instead of assaulting them.
#HongKONg twitter.com/hk_watch/statu…
The head of a arrested protester was kicked like a football by riot polices. They are just out of control.
They are tired. They need our help.
No slaughter like Tiananmen Massacre again.
Anti-mask law to quell Hong Kong protests ruled unconstitutional by High Court scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
The white vans of the police ran INTO the protesting crowd and caused a stampeding accident which led to numerous injuries. That was not a dispersing strategy: that’s purely vengeful assault.
We DID it! This HK human rights and democracy act is passed in Senate! 💪
#HongKong twitter.com/HawleyMO/statu…
Great news! twitter.com/marcorubio/sta…
Interview with SCMP:
"I think it's important to point out that it's not a battle between Chinese ppl and Hongkongese ppl, but a battle between the suppressed and the authoritarian regime."
sc.mp/dqecz via @SCMPNews
The police are arresting school kids on the way to their school. They are destroying our next generations.
#HongKong twitter.com/KongTsungGan/s…
Let me make it clear: the root cause of the escalation of the use of force by the protestors is the police acting with impunity, so that the protestors have to impose even the slightest deterrence effect. Best way to deesculate: implement democratic accountability on police. twitter.com/KasiaMadera/st…
Speaker @SpeakerPelosi announced that the House will pass the Senate version of the #HKHRDA over the next hour and send it directly to Trump regardless of the strong opposition and reactions from China.
I am astonished by this wonky comment. The protestors are not carrying a suicide mission and military bloodshed is the last thing that protestors and HK people want to see.
DO NOT justify the intervention and violence from the CHINA side. Victim blaming is not gonna help.
#HK twitter.com/BBCNewsnight/s…
You can see how unlawful the police are: they used baton to smash arrested protesters lying on the ground vengefully.
That’s why we need independent investigation on their violence: they are acting with impunity now.
We need FREE and FAIR elections. Not only in district council, but also legislature and executive branches. Democracy now!
#HONGKONG twitter.com/SenatorWicker/…
Popular vote🗳
It is said that President Trump may not sign the #HongKong Act amid the US-China trade talk. What’s your opinion?🤔
Election Day Now: it proves that votes can resolve conflicts and lead to peaceful resolution. Best way to calm the city is to implement DEMOCRACY.