飼い主が襲われてるけど、こわいから助けてあげられません。がんぼるぞい… translation: The owner is attacked but I can not help. I am scared.
僕がいつもやられっぱなしだと思うなよ!待てーーー!がんぼるぞい!! translation: I am always attacked, but not. Sometimes I fight back!
なんだこいつ…テンション高すぎ。がんぼるぞい。 translation: Why is he so excited?
ひぇ〜お助けを〜 がんぼるぞい! translation: Don't bully me! Please!
寝顔対決は僕の勝ちだな!がんぼるぞい! translation: I think my sleeping face is more cute than a kitten.
耐えるんだ…きっと耐えたら美味しいおやつ貰えるから…がんぼるぞい! translation: I will do anything. If I can endure, I will eat a delicious snack.
∪・ω・){一人で寝たいのに…がんぼるぞい… (*ΦωΦ*){一緒に寝たいのに! translation: ∪・ω・){I want to sleep alone... (*ΦωΦ*){I want to sleep with you!
こいつ突然襲ってくるから恐い!がんぼるぞい! translation: He always strikes me suddenly.
大きくなったね!がんぼるぞい! translation: You grew very big.
えっ、僕が悪い?悪くないよね?僕、何もしてないよね? いや、ぼくが悪いか…ごめんね。がんぼるぞい! translation: Did I do something? That's my fault? It is not bad. That's my fault. I'm sorry.
毛繕い?ありがとう。 がんぼるぞい! translation: Thank you for grooming.
大運動会!がんぼるぞい!! translation: This is Sports Day.
かぶってるから僕が写ってないじゃないか!!!! がんぼるぞい!! translation: It is not shown in the photo because you hide me.
RT ねとらぼ様に取り上げていただきました! これからも仲良しコンビでがんぼるぞい!! translation: I retweeted. ねとらぼ(@itm_nlab) wrote an article about us. I live happily with my kitten.
最初はここから降りられなかったのに。大きくなったね。がんぼるぞい! translation: He could not get off from here at first. He grew up.
とばっちり!!痛い!がんぼるぞい! translation: I was caught in a fight. It is painful.
僕には猫語は分からないけど、多分「好き」って言ったんだと思う!がんぼるぞい!! translation: I don't understand the words of cats, but I think he probably said to me "I love you".
そんなところで隠れないで、出てきてよ!あそぼ!がんぼるぞい!! translation: You should get out of there and play with me!
∪・ω・){がんぼるぞいです!頑張るボルゾイ犬です! (*ΦωΦ*){ぼくは「空」と かいて「くう」と いいます。ほご されて ここ の こ に なりました! translation: ∪・ω・){My name is Ganborzoi. I am a Borzoi dog doing my best. (*ΦωΦ*){My name is "Kuu". I am rescued and live here.
あれ?鳴き声も聞こえるけど、いないなぁ。 おかしいなぁ?がんぼるぞい! translation: I can hear a cat voice from somewhere, but I can not find it.
色が似てるから同化してます。どこにいるか分かりますか?探してみてください! がんばるぞい! translation: We assimilate because the colors are similar. Can you find out where the kitten is?
降りたい?登りたい?どうしたい?僕は、どうすればいい?助けたらいい?がんぼるぞい! translation: Do you want to go down? Want to climb? What do you want to do? What should I do? Should I help?
こいつ、俺のこと好きなのかな? がんぼるぞい! translation: I think this cat loves me.
待てー!がんぼるぞい!! translation: Hey you! please wait!
おおおおおどろいてねぇし!! がんぼるぞい! translation: Does it look like I was surprised? That is a misunderstanding.