Supper Mario Broth(@MarioBrothBlog)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

In the GP mode of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, most characters will be given "rivals" that will perform better than the other drivers, chosen mostly due to some sort of relationship with the character. Here is a list of all rivalries. Curiously, Link, King Boo and Lakitu have no rivals.
In the Groovy level in Super Mario World, four Pokeys are lined up vertically on a set of ledges. By carefully adjusting their number of segments with Yoshi, when they fall down, they will overlap each other to create what is seemingly a Pokey made out of Pokey heads.
Previously, I have posted about an extremely rare officially licensed 2016 T-shirt from Japan depicting a swarm of Boos with the caption "HORRIBLE TIME". That was only one of a set of limited edition "HORRIBLE TIME" shirts; the designs of the other two are shown below.
Step-by-step illustration of the process of creating a render of Mario's model for Super Mario RPG on a Silicon Graphics workstation, from a 1995 issue of the Japanese Family Computer magazine.
In a 2013 Super Mario 3D World interview, producer Yoshiaki Koizumi describes how in the prototype version, the characters would move like cats, but wear regular clothes. He describes Princess Peach running around like a cat in her dress as "like a scene from a horror movie".
In Super Paper Mario, the background of the Underwhere features graphs that resemble genealogy charts (top right), possibly documenting the souls of the dead. In addition, similar rectangles fall from the sky, likely representing the arrivals of the newly departed (bottom right).
The back of the Japanese box for Mario Party 3 shows the game's playable characters as board game pieces with stiff poses. As a consequence, this is the only existing official render of Waluigi standing up completely straight, as his knees are bent in all other artwork.
In Super Mario Odyssey, the New Donk City power plant depletes Power Moons at a rate of exactly one per second. Since the power plant is said to be the only source of the city's power, we can calculate that New Donk City runs on 86,400 Power Moons per day, or 31,536,000 per year.
In Super Mario World, Skewers are able to steal Mario's power-ups. If a power-up crosses the path of a Skewer, the Skewer will first absorb it inside itself, then into the wall, and finally whisk it off-screen.
Super Mario World contains an unused "reaction sprite" for Yoshi, in which he appears shocked or suprised. Below is a mock-up of Yoshi reacting to an in-game event using the sprite.
The highest file completion percentage that can be achieved in Donkey Kong 64 is negative 124%. This is the result of the completion value becoming so large that it wraps back around to a negative value due to integer overflow. Details in image.
The largest number of Bomb Boos Mario can swing around at the same time in Super Mario Galaxy is 6.
A recurring theme in Super Princess Peach is a disregard for Luigi. Peach tosses him away after rescuing him and pushes him aside after rescuing Mario. Hitting Mario in the Toad Shot game gives a 10 point penalty while Luigi is 3 points. Luigi is also never called by his name.
Super Paper Mario contains what could be arguably considered the most visually simplistic characters in the Mario franchise: the rare Dark Barribad and Dark Longator enemies, which appear as a featureless black circle and rectangle, respectively.
Whenever a character levels up in Super Mario RPG, a bonus can be chosen to be applied to one stat. Unlike the later Mario & Luigi games, the bonus is not randomized and there is a pattern that, when followed, allows the player to maximize the character's stats. Details below.
In Super Mario Maker, all of Costume Mario's forms in the Super Mario Bros. style have a special pose activated by pressing Up, called "appeal" internally. There is an unused "appeal" sprite in the code for Weird Mario as well, which makes a third button appear on his overalls.
In Super Mario 64, the surfaces Mario can run up at a steep angle, such as the pillars in Shifting Sand Land, do not interact properly with Mario's crawling animation. If the Control Stick is pushed in different directlions while crawling, Mario's model will flail around wildly.
The "Wanted" minigame in the Chinese version of New Super Mario Bros. contains a second, unused set of sprites based on the Super Mario All-Stars version of Super Mario Bros. 3. I have created a mock-up of what the game would have looked like with them. Left: used, right: unused.
A piece of official Mario media exists that contains a fragment of Rick Astley's famous 1987 song "Never Gonna Give You Up". A snippet of it is heard in the background during a 1998 Super Mario Bros. 3 Satellaview broadcast.
Nabbit's model without his handkerchief.
In Super Mario Party, if the player tilts the Control Stick very slighty directly after exiting a pipe, the player character will slide on the ground instead of walking. With Joy-Con drift, this effect even has a chance of happening without any player input.
Balloon Boos are rare enemies appearing in only one level in New Super Mario Bros. They are found in confined spaces where there is little incentive to use a Mega Mushroom, but if one is used to defeat them, an obscure animation of them flying away like a real balloon will play.
In Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, the textures for Peach, Daisy and Rosalina's faces contain unused simplistic eyes in a style reminiscent of Paper Mario. Below is what their models would look like if these eye textures were used.
The Art of Super Mario Odyssey book shows that Madame Broode, the leader of the Broodals, was originally supposed to look more cheerful and have a different face shape (left) before being redesigned to receive a face inspired by Bowser (right).
Limited edition 2019 officially licensed Australian Yoshi slippers.