Supper Mario Broth(@MarioBrothBlog)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

In Super Mario Galaxy 2, if Mario is left without player input in normal levels for a minute, he will fall asleep (left column). However, if this is done during a boss fight, instead of falling asleep, Mario will assume a fighting stance and an angry expression (right column).
In a 2013 Year of Luigi interview, Shigeru Miyamoto has stated that he would be open to creating another brother for Mario and Luigi in the future.
The Wooded Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey (left) is a reference to the 1972 sci-fi film Silent Running (right). Both take place in a greenhouse inside a glass biodome, and the Steam Gardeners' shapes and colors resemble the gardening robots from the movie.
In the Mario Kart series, Toad's model has longer arms to allow him to properly use a steering wheel. The difference can be seen even within a single game: a Toad from the audience in Mario Kart 8 (left) has regular arms, while the playable Toad's (right) arms are visibly longer.
The European version of Super Mario Bros. is almost imperceptibly more difficult than the US/Japanese versions due to adding an extra pixel to the hitboxes of various enemies. Details in image.
After performing a capture in Super Mario Odyssey, Mario's original body dissolves into fragments. Normally, Snapshot Mode is disabled during this. However, capturing a manhole cover in New Donk City reenables it sooner, allowing us to view Mario's dissolving body up close.
In Super Mario World, Baby Yoshis only hatch if Mario is alone; if he is riding Yoshi, it hatches into a 1-Up instead (left). Modifying the code to force both to appear reveals they share a graphics address, resulting in Yoshi either having Baby Yoshi as a head or vice versa.
Reader-submitted artwork depicting Yoshi as the character Robert Garcia from the Art of Fighting series by SNK, from the Spanish Hobby Consolas magazine.
Mario Party 4 contains messages intended as disclaimers that the message is missing when an invalid ID is loaded. However, instead of using the same message every time, the disclaimers are all different and appear increasingly more forlorn as the internal message list goes on.
In the data of Super Mario Galaxy, an unused model for what is either a Tox Box or a related enemy can be found (left). Compared to the Tox Box in the finished game (right), the unused design looks much less threatening.
In Mario Party 4, if a character stops exactly one space before a Lottery Shop, the character may assume a T-pose until the next dice roll, as seen here with Mario and Donkey Kong.
In the Japanese/North American version of Super Mario Bros., Bloopers cannot affect Mario when he is standing on the seafloor. However, the European version modified the code to let them sink 4 pixels lower, so that Mario is no longer safe on the seafloor. Details in image.
The Art of Super Mario Odyssey book shows an early Mario model with extra detail on his shoes. This was not used for the game; however, the Nintendo Tokyo store features a Mario statue from 2019 with that detail, suggesting this model may be used for the next mainline Mario game.
The Target department store chain is known for the distinctive red cement spheres, called bollards, in front of their buildings. In 2017, as part of a Mario Kart 8 Deluxe promotion, the bollards were briefly decorated to look like Mario and Luigi heads.
The data of Mario Party contains early low-resolution avatars for the player characters. While all other characters simply use preexisting official art, Mario's avatar is a unique render of him looking into the camera with dramatic lighting.
In Super Mario Sunshine, there is a small invisible slope at a dock near the Noki Bay entrance in Delfino Plaza. This results in Mario appearing to randomly raise his legs if placed in a specific spot. Pressing R or L to change Mario's stance deforms his legs even further.
In Super Mario 64, Spindrift enemies have small, surprised-looking mouths. Development files for the game show they originally had smiling mouths. The smiling mouths are still present in the finished version, merely overwritten with the final texture, and can be restored (right).
In Luigi's Mansion 3, when Luigi uses the Burst move, his Poltergust raises him into the air by its straps (left). However, when Gooigi performs the Burst, we can see that his Poltergust is instead attached to him by a solid mass of goo, being part of his body (right).
In Super Mario Sunshine, if Mario dismounts Yoshi while he is spitting juice, Yoshi will follow Mario's head movements while in first person view. By hacking the camera to see Yoshi from the side during this, it is revealed that his model is scrunched considerably.
Donkey Kong 5: The Journey of Over Time and Space was an unauthorized 2001 clone of Super Mario Bros. Deluxe that replaced Small Mario with Diddy Kong and Super Mario with Donkey Kong. A rare 2003 reprint of the game featured a new title screen reading "SUPER MARRIO SUNSHINE".
At one point in Super Mario Sunshine, Delfino Plaza is flooded while the rest of Isle Delfino is not. The game achieves this not by raising the water level, but by lowering Delfino Plaza relative to the rest of the island (note the same water level in Ricco Harbor on the left).
The Art of Super Mario Odyssey book contains concept art for Bowser's minions attending his wedding. In the finished game, to give the wedding a more depressing atmosphere, Bowser's cheering minions are absent and the only guests are random citizens who do not wish to be there.
The Question Blocks in Super Mario Galaxy are decorated with rivets (left). These are 12-sided prisms and would each take 36 triangles to render separately; however, a trick is used where opposite rivets are actually two ends of a long rod (right), halving the number of polygons.
In the Choco Mountain course in Mario Kart 64, there is a ledge that can be reached by jumping up a slope that, although it is flat, will cause the racer to tumble in place for over 30 seconds before being saved by Lakitu. Video of the full tumbling duration is provided.
In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, if an angry Bob-omb attempts to buff itself using a helpful item, like a Power Punch, the item will not buff the Bob-omb as intended. Instead, the Bob-omb will simply explode.