
Arthur graduated from the Bradley course to get a PhD in Figaro
But actually….Arthur does look awfully like Figaro here….naruhodo…..
Itaru was always a fun character because he always required you to reach deep inside and pull out the most Online version of yourself ever to handle his extremely Online Japanese
(And yes, I was the one responsible for “if you catch a cold you’re gonna catch these hands” among others, and that line is STILL one of my favorite translation accomplishments to this day)
Everyone who worked on that title put their all into it, and I know we’re all equally sad to say goodbye. I can tell from the ending date—not only does it end on Sakuya’s birthday, Sakuya’s birthday is 3/9, which can be read as both “saku” and “sankyuu”…thank you.
I put off saying anything in the hopes it might come back again, but since it’s ending and I’ve long since moved on, let me publicly pay my own respects (F). For those who don’t know, I was the head localization editor in the game’s first year. This was truly a dream project. twitter.com/MankaiCompanyE…