山越 正治 (Seiji Yamagoe)(@seiji_yamagoe)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

St. Patrick's Day is the one day when gingers aren't considered second class citizens.
Duke's tourney run was over faster than a Kardashian marriage.
RT if you think Taco Bell should serve liquor.
Any woman who appreciates March Madness should also appreciate a halftime quickie.
My girlfriend says all I care about it sex. I disagree, I absolutely love SportsCenter.
Fuck Kony! We should worry about our American soldiers who don't get enough respect & risk their lives everyday!
A girl doing a keg stand will always be sexy.
President Obama spends more time on his NCAA picks than fixing our broke ass economy. #priorities
Asians might run ping pong but we dominate Beer Pong #Merica
Remember if you don't get drunk...the terrorists win. #Merica
Guys, if you want to find a classy college girl just look for the one drinking wine...from a box.
Seeing "Project X" before Spring Break is like having a pep talk before the big game.
What does the planet Saturn & Lebron James have in common? Nothing...Saturn has rings.
Snookie is pregnant. Finding the father will be harder than it was to find Bin Laden.
What happens at Spring Break, stays at Spring Break!
I don't trust people who don't drink alcohol.
My liver gets nervous every Friday.
I don’t have to drink to have a good time…But I always have a good time when I drink.
Anyone who says marijuana is a gateway drug is correct. It’s a gateway straight to Taco Bell.
The only thing safer than a condom is Whiskey Dick.