山越 正治 (Seiji Yamagoe)(@seiji_yamagoe)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

I don’t have to drink to have a good time…But I always have a good time when I drink.
Remember if you don't get drunk...the terrorists win. #Merica
3 キャンペーン
【限定企画】 コロナウイルスの影響から数ヶ月経ちましたが、収入に困っている人がまだ多く見られます。 一律給付金と違って申し訳ないですが、 100名の方に100万円をプレゼントします。 【参加方法】はフォローとリツイートです。 期間は2週間です! 1人でも救えるようにやっていきます👍
Megan Fox is Pregnant. The only question now is whether the baby is an Autobot or Decepticon.
My liver gets nervous every Friday.
The only thing safer than a condom is Whiskey Dick.
Anyone who says marijuana is a gateway drug is correct. It’s a gateway straight to Taco Bell.
Seeing "Project X" before Spring Break is like having a pep talk before the big game.
What does the planet Saturn & Lebron James have in common? Nothing...Saturn has rings.
たくさんのご参加ありがとうございます! 今からフライング抽選をします。 フライング当選希望の方は、再度リツイートをお願いします! twitter.com/seiji_yamagoe/…
St. Patrick's Day is the one day when gingers aren't considered second class citizens.
If drunk sex didn't count 90% of college students would be virgins. #fact
I don't trust people who don't drink alcohol.
#BestPickUpLines...Hi I'm Ryan Gosling
Letting Kony babysit your kids. #AfricanYoloMoment
Anyone on 16 & Pregnant should be forced to play in the Hunger Games.
Someone threw a bag of flour at Kim Kardashian tonight. It was the first time a "white substance" hit her face & wasn't from a black man.
Steve Blake just set white basketball players back another 100 years.
I've got 99 Problems and being broke is all of them.
Cinco De Mayo...A day when racists suddenly love Mexicans. #tequila
The key to happiness is sex, alcohol, & SportsCenter. #Confucius
For God so loved the Broncos, that He gave away His only begotten Son, in hopes of a Denver championship. -Peyton 3:16 #LaterTim
A girl doing a keg stand will always be sexy.
Americans were born to get hammered and raise hell.