山越 正治 (Seiji Yamagoe)(@seiji_yamagoe)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

たくさんのご参加ありがとうございます! 今からフライング抽選をします。 フライング当選希望の方は、再度リツイートをお願いします! twitter.com/seiji_yamagoe/…
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【限定企画】 コロナウイルスの影響から数ヶ月経ちましたが、収入に困っている人がまだ多く見られます。 一律給付金と違って申し訳ないですが、 100名の方に100万円をプレゼントします。 【参加方法】はフォローとリツイートです。 期間は2週間です! 1人でも救えるようにやっていきます👍
#NotBeingRudeBut the cast of 16 & Pregnant is a bigger threat to America than terrorism.
On the 8th day God created Josh Hamilton. #badass
Steve Blake just set white basketball players back another 100 years.
RT if your happy that Lebron just pulled another #LeChoke
#EveryoneHasThat1Friend that is a closet racist.
3 MVPs for Lebron but I bet he's a no show for the 4th.
#ILoveTITS is trending...if you don't RT you're totally gay.
#TwoThingsIWant Nice weather and a cooler full of beer.
I've got 99 Problems and being broke is all of them.
If I Had a Gun, I'd do the world a favor and knock off the cast of 16 & Pregnant.
#IfIRuledTheWorld Taco Bell would deliver.
#YallNeedToBreakUpIf you air relationship problems on Twitter.
Cinco De Mayo...A day when racists suddenly love Mexicans. #tequila
#BestPickUpLines...Hi I'm Ryan Gosling
It's projected the Pittsburgh Steelers will select Brittney Griner with the 24th pick of the draft. #NFLDraft
The NFL Draft should be a National Holiday
Anyone on 16 & Pregnant should be forced to play in the Hunger Games.
Megan Fox is Pregnant. The only question now is whether the baby is an Autobot or Decepticon.
It's 4/20...The best day of the year to own a Taco Bell restaurant.
I’ll stop drinking when it stops giving me good memories.
Tomorrow is 4/20 or as stoners call it...Another day of being unemployed.
RT if you think they should lower the drinking age