Rachel Cheung(@rachel_cheung1)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Police made mad dashes to different corners of the district. “Grab those in dark clothes and carrying big backpacks,” one commander shouted. People waiting for their buses along Hennessy Road were stopped and searched.
My taxi driver was watching YouTube videos that summarised the headlines in Hong Kong. "They're my spiritual food," he said. "They give me the talking points I need to persuade my customers to leave Hong Kong, particularly the young ones. There is no hope for this place."
Detained by police officers for the third time tonight. It’s clear by now whom the police are targeting tonight. Officers demanded reporters to stop filming or live broadcasting. “There are too many fake reporters among you guys,” said one officer.
In 2016, reporters called a number of Swedish, Norwegian and Danish designers featured on Miniso's website as their collaborators. Half weren't aware of any collaboration or didn't reach an agreement as they were ghosted by the company's representative. hk01.com/%E7%AA%81%E7%9…
Someone left a Bluetooth speaker on the floor, playing Glory to #HongKong. Within minutes, police rushed over with the purple flag.
Police officers are stationed on every block of Sai Yeung Choi Street in #MongKok. People are asked to leave or risk violating social distancing rules. A reporter dressed in all black is being searched.
When popular Chinese boba chain HEYTEA first opened in #HongKong late 2018, hundreds queued for hours for a drink. It took a hit during the protests and a further blow amid #coronavirus. Now only 2 out of 8 branches remain in town. hk.appledaily.com/finance/202005…
Heavy police presence in #HongKong to stamp out any expression of dissent on the centennial anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party. In Causeway Bay, officers found a banner from a man that said “the city will never die.”
Some of the masks police wore. In their recent report, police watchdog IPCC ruled that uniform worn by special tactical squad isn’t regarded as police uniform under the Police Force Ordinance, so it’s not necessary for them to display their warrant ID.
The same wall two days apart. The slogans you can cover, the wall you can repaint, but memories and beliefs you cannot erase.
Best voting station official in town. Photo: 棉花糖與咖啡廳
#PolyU has developed new masks made with special material that can be reused and rewashed for 70 times. The material, which has obtained international accreditation, is being sourced from China. Masks available in 10 days, says legislator Felix Chung. hk.news.appledaily.com/local/20200131…
This is a wall near photographer Kevin Cheng’s office, where a protester and a government supporter have been arguing for months through graffiti. He notes this is the first time they’ve agreed on something - CLOSE THE BORDER #weconnect
Roberto Bolaño's 2666, The Classic of Poetry, a Chinese dictionary are among books a 19 yro has prepared for his jail term. Tens of thousands were arrested by #HongKong police since protests erupted in 2019, this is a story on what happens afterwards. latimes.com/world-nation/s…
After a long break, riot police in action again, running along Hennessy Road towards Wan Chai after some protesters left debris under the Canal Road flyover.
How it started vs how it’s going. Constitutional and mainland affairs minister, Erick Tsang, who was caught snoozing at the policy address yesterday is one hard-working student today.
The #HongKong Way, a channel that shares protest artworks on social media, with 31k subscribers, announced their closure yesterday. Their Facebook page was hacked the day before and they decided it’s too risky to try and get it back. “We will persist on the road of resistance.”
Chief Executive Carrie Lam has refused to set up an independent commission of inquiry to look into police brutality and abuse of power. Instead, she’s now honouring nearly 100 cops, many for their role in #HongKong protests. twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
Adding to the controversy, a homeless person, 亞十, allegedly committed suicide in jail last Thursday. He was among rough sleepers who were assaulted by police and had their belongings destroyed in February. 9 cops were suspended afterwards but none was prosecuted. twitter.com/elson_tong/sta…
Chen's most recent case includes convicting lawmaker Au Nok-hin of assaulting a police officer by shouting through a loudspeaker. She also caused controversy with her online remarks, attacking judges and calling protesters cockroaches and scumbags. scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
Count the number of air conditioners outside a building in #HongKong, and you have a rough estimate of the number of subdivided flats on each floor.
While one group of police detained a crowd for stop and search outside Sogo, another fired teargas from the other end of the road, so suddenly that their own colleagues were caught without their gas masks on.
Six air crew members have been placed under medical surveillance after having close contact with #coronavirus patients, yet Cathay Dragon refuses to suspend flights to mainland China. Union considering to go on strike, Apple Daily reports. hk.news.appledaily.com/local/20200131…
One man got mad at officers because he literally couldn’t get anywhere. Stranded pedestrians complain they’re being forced into a public assembly because police are blocking the roads. Officers have used similar tactics in the past to divide crowds and conduct mass arrests.
Sha Tin district councilor Li Chi-Wang is detained by police officers in Times Square. At one point, they snatched his phone from his hand to prevent him from filming. “Is it now illegal to speak when arrested?” He asked.