Rachel Cheung(@rachel_cheung1)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

A Chinese company in Xiamen installed surveillance cameras inside toilet cubicles to monitor its staff. A viral image on Weibo showed photos it took as evidence and staff caught smoking were fired as punishment.
It would be so much easier to just give in, comply with the new laws, drop one’s ideals, stay alive. “But could you live with yourself?” I wrote about #HongKong society's response to the National Security Law in my first piece for @latimes. twitter.com/latimes/status…
"Our actions have forced the government to gradually close the border. Near 60% of mainlanders entered Hong Kong through the three border control points that remain open," says Winnie Yu from Hospital Authority Employees Alliance. >2400 participated in the first day of strike.
Riot police officers dashed into Reclamation Street and detained around six young people outside the fruit stalls. Now conducting stop and search.
VA Wong Sir, a visual art and liberal education teacher who draws doodles such as this viral piece, was told by the secondary school today they will not renew his contract due to “shortage of resources”.
Did you forget?
Wait till you meet the head of IT. twitter.com/rachel_cheung1…
A doctor on emergency ward of a public hospital saw a 5-year-old with high fever and chills in an isolation tent outdoors. His mother begged him to admit the child, but all he could offer was basic assessment and panadol prescription. "Everyone suffers." telegraph.co.uk/global-health/…
#HongKong govt is closing amusement places amid 3rd wave of COVID-19, so it will be a while before I can check this out. But the Siu Hei playground, newly designed by One Bite Design Studio and Never-Never, is a sight to behold.
Today stood in contrast with last year, where far more were on the streets to make a point, despite a banned vigil. This year, ppl were almost outnumbered by police and the most subtle statement - a tee shirt, a candle, torchlight on ur phone - would draw police attention.
I suppose this is how one covers #HongKongProtest in 2020. Grab a ladder, ask for a code and fly to an island on #AnimalCrossing
Speaking to the press, John Lee, Secretary for Security cited Benny Tai's analysis, 攬炒十部曲 as evidence that the primary election is a premeditated plan to throw Hong Kong into an abyss, with significant consequences on economy and daily lives.
Covid restrictions have pushed small businesses in #HongKong to the brink, with their patience wearing as thin as their contingency budget. “The saddest thing about Hong Kong is that you don’t see any hope, no matter what position you are in,” one told me. aljazeera.com/economy/2022/2…
How #HongKong riot police officers kettle reporters and passers by on the streets. While some asked us to move back, others blocked us from leaving. After checking my press card and letting me ago, another officer asked me to go back and claimed I couldn’t prove I was checked.
Police have cordoned off many stretches of the streets in Mong Kok, large groups of people are detained and searched.
Remember last year when police officer kicked a kneeling man during a protest in Tsuen Wan last Aug? Then PPRB chief John Tse claimed in a subsequent presser that the officer was trying to "push him away" (嘗試用腳推開). Photo: Chan Long Hei
There are also these shapes. Perhaps up next, the #HongKong government will have to ban imagination.
#thread: “I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with the film or technical reasons,” director Rhys Frake-Waterfield told us, after #WinnieThePoohBloodAndHoney was abruptly dropped by #HongKong cinemas, days before its release. So what went wrong?
Hong Kong Code captured the absurdity of #JimmyLai’s arrest in a simple graphic. Their IG: instagram.com/hongkongcode?i…
While riot police take a break protesters have spilled onto other streets, shouting slogans as they go. How and if the march will proceed is still unknown.
"Staff questioned why the heads of desks were not consulted beforehand and how news operations can continue after an abrupt dismissal on such a large scale. They also pressed the management for an explanation on shedding the most outstanding staff..." hk.appledaily.com/news/20201201/…
Another independent media outlet in #HongKong has shuttered. FactWire, an investigative news agency founded in 2015, announced its termination. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose. It has, at last, come time to end our journey." factwire.org/en/termination…
And if you go down the escalator, you will find an army of riot police officers on the ground at the bus station. Last year, two officers were filmed leaving the scene of the attack, while reinforcement arrived 38 minutes later.
Pedestrians had to walk along the road because riot police officers took up stretches of the pedestrian sidewalk along Nathan Road.
It’s impossible to summarise the new horrors #HongKong ppl wake up to each day since Beijing imposed a national security law, but in a story for @WPReview, I try to explain why the day Hong Kong dies is different for everyone. wpr.vu/gj0i50CngRE