Reinforcements arrived on Nathan Road and riot officers dashed into Parkes Street where protesters gathered and chanted slogans earlier.
Unsure why the elderly man was being arrested, but he was not showing any signs of resistance and riot police officer tackled him to the ground. Video from Hong Kong Economic Journal.
Many have declared the death of #HongKong's press freedom. But in my latest article for @CJR, I look at three independent outlets in the city, which have adopted different strategies to stay afloat.
“7 months ago, I plucked all my courage to file a complaint of rape and sexual by unknown police officers inside Tsuen Wan Police station. I hoped and prayed that the complaint would be investigated impartially...none of that has happened.” facebook.com/615726795/post…
You know the digital migration is real when your 78-yro grandma asks you to download Signal on phone. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
Both @appledaily_hk and @StandNewsHK report that a senior police officer, member of the riot squad, tested positive for coronavirus this evening. An ambulance was sent to pick him up from his flat at the disciplined service quarters in Yau Tong.
For years, Program Think #編程隨想, an anonymous blogger pushed back against CCP's rule one post at a time. Some compared him to the mysterious vigilante in V for Vendetta. Others called him “the tank man of the digital age,” a lone figure facing down China’s security apparatus.
Artist HeungShing_hk posted this piece, inspired by Akira and featuring a banner seen at the protest today. This is #HongKong, where loving your home is a crime.
I tagged along a group of volunteers who installed hand sanitiser dispenser at old tenement buildings in #HongKong. Seems like an easy task, but the team actually have to go door to door to find a resident that’ll lend their support and refill the bottle. asia.nikkei.com/Life-Arts/Hong…
Having lost trust/hope in the government, #HongKong people are now crowdsourcing to set up their own mask production line to meet local demand. Raw materials and machines obtained. Looking for people with experience in manufacturing surgical masks.
Belarusian police claimed the 34-year-old protester died from an explosive device he was aiming at officers. His partner, Elena German, disputed the account as there was no damage to his hand when she saw the body, only a perforation in his chest. Now videos emerged: twitter.com/nexta_tv/statu…
Oh the best one: “our siu mai is yellow.” twitter.com/ktse852/status…
Turn the volume up. I cannot be the only one who hears this.
Chan in his sixties was told by police that he could be deemed as part of unauthorised assembly because of a plastic candlelight, which he has used for years. In return, he advised them to quit their jobs.
We've seen cases of people arrested at airport while trying to exit Hong Kong. A 20-year-old student was recently arrested upon entry. He was first arrested in Nov, 2019 near Poly U. He is charged with rioting and didn't appear at court mention today as he's still in quarantine. twitter.com/thewitnesshk/s…
Apple Daily reported that police officers used the computer's search function and input key words such as "foreign countries" and "rallies" to go through the files in reporters' computers. Search operation was focused on 2/F, where editorial was located. hk.appledaily.com/local/20210617…
Instead of wearing black, one man hangs a black tee on a pole to “make his opinion heard”. His demand: “resume the legislative council election now, give me back my right to vote.”
Apple Daily: some entertainment companies in mainland China have added a term in contracts with #HongKong actors to guarantee they won’t be banned in China for political reasons within next 10 years. If breached, companies can sue for compensatory damages. hk.entertainment.appledaily.com/entertainment/…
#HongKong cartoonist and visual artist Wong Chiu Tat said he left the city last year. Political cartoons are region specific, so it’s challenging to keep creating works abt HK, he said. “But it’s better than in HK, where I couldn’t even draw anything.”
Citizen News spoke to a postman, who took up extra shifts to deliver parcels - most of them masks - to citizens after postal service resumed on Monday. Some wept when they received the parcels. One immediately opened it and gave some masks to the postman. hkcnews.com/article/27028/…
Liaison Office owns 757 property units, worth an estimated value of 3.4 billion. Worth noting besides properties, the office also controls SUP, whic owns more than half of book stores in Hong Kong and 30 joint publishing houses. twitter.com/richardjpyne/s…
Police attempted to kettle protesters from both ends of the streets. People are now scattered along the side streets with occasional protest chants. Police have raised the blue flag warning of illegal assembly and violations of social distancing rules.