Rachel Cheung(@rachel_cheung1)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Italy suspending flights from and to China, including #HongKong. #CarrieLam may refuse to close the border, but she will soon find out, there’s a bigger price to pay. twitter.com/AFP/status/122…
Said footage obtained by @tommycheungsy. The district of Yuen Long, a notorious triad stronghold, came under scrutiny when mob blatantly attacked passengers and protesters at the train station in July.
While riot police officers shooed people from the streets, warning them not to gather, a woman in yellow refused to leave the pedestrian zone. “Your rules have no legal basis. We have the rights to stand on our own land.”
Actually, skip the protective supplies because health authorities aren’t even providing sufficient surgical masks, not to mention other PPE. A patient assistant told me to save on masks, they use only one for the whole day, whereas normally, they would use 2~3. Some are... twitter.com/nya_x_x202071/…
Philippines is repatriating all Chinese tourists who arrived from Wuhan before the city's put under lockdown. news.abs-cbn.com/news/01/24/20/…
#JuneFourth: an elderly man was surrounded by over two dozen police officers outside Victoria Park just for holding banners that said conscience.
"No one wants to go on strike. We all have a common goal - to pressure the government to implement border controls," says Dr. Ma Chung Yee.
#HongKong police have lately resorted to the use of pepper balls, instead of tear gas. A less than lethal weapon that irritates and makes people choke all the same, but doesn’t have the same visual impact as a cloud of smoke. Def paying more attention to the image of the force. twitter.com/studioincendo/…
Meanwhile, on #AnimalCrossing, Hong Kong players held a digital vigil for the #TiananmenSquareMassacre and recreated iconic scenes of Tank Man and a student riding to the protest in 1989.
Am in the area for an event at Tai Kwun, but came across riot police, water cannon and teargas in Central, where an approved rally is cut short. #HongKong
Two people among 17 arrested for bomb plots this weekend suffered bone fractures during police arrests and were admitted to hospital. But this is not isolated case. Since June, at least 100 defendants missed first hearing as they were still being treated thestandnews.com/politics/%E5%8…
A producer cried: there're only two episodes left. I want to capture not just what the axing of a political satire show implies for #HongKong, but also what #Headliner means to HK people. Because it's not just for laugh and there're tears in every joke. asia.nikkei.com/Life-Arts/Hong…
A Wuhan photographer captured this romantic shot as part of a series on life back to the norm after coronavirus. After the photo was published and widely circulated, it was found that both were married - but not to each other - and the man is a father of two.
Videos circulating on WeChat and Weibo of people in #Wuhan shouting "Wuhan, add oil" out their windows and singing the Chinese national anthem together. A message going around asking ppl to do it together starting at 8pm.
Blood stains left on the floor where a protester was hit by pepper ball and arrested by police. According to Stand News, the wound was so deep it exposed the bone. For those writing today’s headline, pls make clear it was state violence that occurred on the streets of HK today.
The story of moon cake is that Ming rebels slipped paper inside the cake to plan an uprising against Yuan dynasty rulers. Now we have mooncakes with police-friendly slogans on the outside and #HongKong protest slogan on the inside. As a comment says, 身在曹營心在漢
Mapping the #COVID19 outbreak. Confirmed cases of #coronavirus outside of China starting from late January.
All eyes are on the sale of the newspaper, but a huge part of a news company’s revenue comes from ads. Check out this blank one by local startup Flyagain.la, which is also part of the yellow economy.
Riot police fired pepper balls at protesters and passersby. A father argued with a officer, who also lost control emotionally, after the pepper balls landed near his baby. The baby and the mother were heard crying as they took shelter in a building’s lobby.
Earlier, the small squad of riot police were overwhelmed by the huge crowd that have showed up. Scattered objects thrown while they were retreating. Reinforcements have arrived since.
More bad news for #HongKong. MIHK818, which made and sold toy figures of protesters, announced they are no longer able to operate due to inexplicable reasons “far bigger than what we can tackle”. The small team of model building hobbyists first brought their own creations to
It’s the one year anniversary of 8/11. Last year today, a volunteer medic was severely injured after she was struck in the eye by a beanbag round during a protest in Tsim Sha Tsui - a narrative the police have tried to dispute. The injury prompted further outrage from society.
#Thread: A quick look at the development of #LennonWalls in #HongKong, which started out at the govt office in 2014 during Occupy, rebuilt in 2019 and spread to all districts since the early days of the #antiELAB movement, playing an important role in mobilising people..
If you need a lead photo for the horror unfolding in #HongKong that doesn’t only show stormtroopers at a newsroom, but also put things into context: twitter.com/rachel_cheung1…
“I don’t believe darkness will always overpower the light on earth. Fireflies can light up the world. Bandits can only kidnap your body, they cannot take away your faith,” writes a sign at the mall in Sha Tin where protesters have gathered. Photo: Apple Daily