Rachel Cheung(@rachel_cheung1)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

“If you have any problems, raise them or come into our room and discuss with me,” Edna Tse and other two newly appointed media executives told the staff at Cable News. Yet when a reporter knocked on their door and confronted them about the decision to fire 3 seasoned engineers...
Not your regular souvenir. #HongKong tycoon Li Ka-shing, who just returned from New Zealand, brought back 5,115 set of protective coveralls, to be donated to medical staff at hospitals.
Heavy police presence in Causeway Bay on #June4, the anniversary of #TiananmenSquareMassacre. A man near Victoria Park has been surrounded by police officers for 25 mins. They have meticulously gone through everything in his bag, including every card pocket of his wallet.
"I will not leave, cannot leave and should not leave... I cannot give up. I am still the Bishop Emeritus of #HongKong," said Cardinal Joseph Zen, in an interview with the now-shuttered Stand News last May. The 90-year-old was arrested today. dev.collection.news/thestandnews/a…
At a boba shop in #HongKong: “support one country one system”, “long live chairman Mao” , “Mao once said a single spark can light a prairie fire”.
“They are afraid of art, of ppl making connections, of organizations and groups, because essentially, they are afraid of the people,” said Kiwi Chow, a film director who was speaking at a screening when it was raided. Latest in @latimes with @aliceysu latimes.com/world-nation/s…
In Hong Kong, even WiFi name is a venue for protest.
His banners often got ripped and damaged, so Kisslan Chan, a district councilor in Yuen Long got creative. Together, black wooden boards set against the iron fence form the Chinese characters for freedom - 自由.
In 2 acclaimed episodes of Hong Kong Connection, a documentary series on public broadcaster RTHK, journalists traced carplates, interviewed residents and witnesses of Yuen Long attack on 7.21 last year. Now the producer is arrested. youtube.com/watch?v=or4B7N…
A year later, protesters still remember the rules, shouting “one, two, one, two” as they flee from police to prevent a stampede.
Here’s the new Hong Kong for you. A work by local artist Ah To.
A growing number of protesters in a mall in Sha Tin, chanting slogans and commemorating the protest anniversary. Thousands surrounded LegCo last year tdy to prevent legislators from passing the extradition amendments bill that would allow HK ppl to stand trial in mainland China.
#HongKongProtesters are finding alternative ways to protest amid the crackdown. Latest form after holding blank paper: cosplay twitter.com/holmeschan_/st…
The front page ad in @appledaily_hk today is posted by HKUST student union in remembrance of 22 yro Chow Tsz-lok, who fell to his death in unexplained circumstances during a protest in Nov 2019. "It's been ten months since he left. Wrong remains unrighted."
The si lai (housewife) in front of me didn’t bother to bring her groceries cart into the voting booth and just left it outside. The staff reassured her they wont let anyone take it. Si lai: 唔洗,黎得投票既人唔會做啲咁嘅嘢。
TVB’s voxpop on medical strike: “I’m a cancer patient and am still taking targeted therapy drugs. I’ll support (the strike) no matter how long I have to wait. Even if all’re going on strike, I think it’s right. Their lives are valuable. It’s not just your life that has value.”
#HongKong govt declares last night that the slogan “Liberate HK, the Revolution of Our Times” connotes independence and violates national security law. In response, protesters prove that you may outlaw certain words but you cannot ban ideas or thoughts.
On Chinese National Day, heavy police presence in the district of Causeway Bay, where a protest march is due to begin at two pm. Police have banned the protest citing Covid_19 and threat of violence.
Police officers now take people away from reporters’ cameras and to more obscure locations such as the alleys, before questioning them and going through their belongings.
In a public letter published tdy, 37 leading scholars of China’s policies in Xinjiang said they're “deeply disturbed” by @mbachelet's statement, which “ignored and even contradicted” academic findings provided to her office. See our story and full letter: vice.com/en/article/pkg…
Pretty much sums it up
Small, scattered installations and signs in commemoration of the #TiananmenSquareMassacre and a growing crowd outside the Victoria Park, where #HongKong govt has banned the annual vigil on the grounds of public health.
Sat down at Apple Daily's canteen with a senior reporter on Wednesday morning, but before we could finish breakfast, we were warned that police were on their way and had to leave in an emergency evacuation. With @TMclaughlin3 on Apple Daily's legacy. theatlantic.com/international/…
Political cartoonist Zunzi's drawing in Mingpao today.
- Immigration department set up new unit to review visa applications of foreign journalists - International media outlets have trouble getting visas for correspondents in HK - Independent outlets denied access to reporting sites/interviews with police