Rachel Cheung(@rachel_cheung1)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Police now dispersing reporters with a blue flag warning of an illegal assembly. Hardly any protesters in sight
Police officers patrolling the neighbourhood. The 721 attack at Yuen Long marked a turning point in the protest movement as most people saw their failure to respond to the attack and hold perpetrators accountable as collusion between the force and triads.
even told to BYOM: Bring Your Own Masks and that hospitals cannot provide them with any. As this poster by HA Employees Alliance asks, “have you seen police buy their own guns for work?”
I spoke to production staff and audience on the Mirror concert yesterday, where a screen fell on 2 dancers. “I’ve never been part of a show that couldn't complete a full run before it starts. There wasn’t enough time and everything was hastily done.” vice.com/en/article/epz…
咕嚕咕嚕魔法陣 Credit: Kit Man
It’s a question you always hear, as if it’s a solution to all the problems in #HongKong - are you leaving? Many think of moving as the easy way out. It is not. The pain doesn’t subside after you go. As one family explains in tears, you bear the guilt of abandoning your home. twitter.com/ShibaniMahtani…
無論雨怎麼打自由仍是會開花 "No matter how it rains, freedom will blossom", a line from Flower of Freedom, sung at every Tiananmen vigil. By banning this year's event, #HongKong govt may have made it the most meaningful yet. Ppl held vigils across town despite the political storm twitter.com/rachel_cheung1…
The Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival that opened on Fri had to cancel upcoming screenings of short film Time, and Time Again because it didn't receive authorisation from #HongKong's Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration in time. shorturl.at/mEFS6
Ambulance officers in #HongKong are under Fire Services Department, which was allocated ZERO protective suit (while police got 43,615). An officer speaking to Ming Pao on how they are exposed to potential infections, yet have to reuse masks. mpweekly.com/culture/%E6%95…
.@AhTo_comic also has this comic strip, featuring Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and some stubborn, determined bees that survive missile explosions just to flip Pooh off.
I'm sorry, but this totally outdid the bus. twitter.com/holmeschan_/st…
Protesters trolling the police by erupting in cheers when they raised the warning flag. Most of the riot police now retreating.
What do you see? From political cartoonist Justin Wong.
Police fired teargas and rubber bullets in district of Tin Shui Wai earlier tonight, one of which landed near a bus. There’ve been scattered protests in different districts in Hong Kong tonight. twitter.com/DCheng36387164…
“I am here to exercise our right to protest, which is enshrined under the Basic Law. We do not need the authorities’ permission to hold peaceful public assemblies,” said a protester. twitter.com/krislc/status/…
We may use creativity to circumvent the ban and speak the same words in code, but we also shouldn’t accept the fact that the government can blatantly outlaw certain words and 以言入罪. twitter.com/holmeschan_/st…
In a now-deleted video thanking foreign volunteers for joining their fight, Ukraine's defense ministry included a black-and-white bauhinia flag popularized by #HongKong protesters, sparking a strong reaction from the Hong Kong government. vice.com/en/article/5d3…
Twitter has been an important platform for Chinese activists, many of whom climb the firewall to get on the site, where they can raise awareness about their cause, speak relatively freely and find a community. Now they're concerned if that's still the case vice.com/en/article/ake…
List of media barred from reporting onsite grows to include international outlets @AP @AFP @Reuters, while other journalists at police press brief weren't allowed to ask questions. Authorities essentially barred anyone from challenging their statement. twitter.com/phoebe_kongwy/…
#Hongkong artist Justin Wong’s recent work in Mingpao, titled “wait till I return”. Who knew dotted lines could carry so much emotions
A relative, who works at the airport in Boston, can’t wear masks to work because her supervisor says it would cause panic. She doesn’t dare wear it on the streets either, fearing it would draw the wrong attention and even assault. twitter.com/TMclaughlin3/s…
Legislator Andrew Wan was peppersprayed and arrested earlier, unsure why. Some people shouted insults at police. Obvious tension in the air and the situation is rather volatile.
Last defendant former lawmaker Claudia Mo’s application was also rejected. All defendants failed to overturn earlier decision to deny their bail. All remanded in custody.
Tsai Ing-wen’s placard to Lam quotes Amos 5:14, let judgement run down as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream. The line is also featured in a Christian song that can sometimes be heard at Hong Kong protests. twitter.com/krislc/status/…
Two groups of people detained along Reclamation Street, mostly young people.