Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Sometimes I try to imagine a world where scientific young minds enjoyed greater rewards for revolutionizing, like, farming methods, manufacturing, or energy, rather than the dark patterns used to optimize ad-clicks at Google and Facebook. How did we get here?
Encryption is the foundation of modern security. thenextweb.com/news/edward-sn…
دیوار موش داره و موش گوش داره
Big: The world's major press protection groups sent a joint letter to Biden's DOJ demanding an end to reckless case against Julian Assange--a case that criminalizes the sort of journalism you read every week in the newspaper. twitter.com/FreedomofPress…
Don't tell me @telegram didn't know about the scam-ring running this account, either: they were contacted by the media about it ages ago, which even wrote a story about it. What did @telegram do when asked for comment? They refused to even respond! twitter.com/MikaelThalen/s…
So: @telegram knows the below account is an impersonator, and I don't have an account with them. But they let this guy continue to post insane garbage—as "Official_EdwardSnowden"—and even a swastika, which Telegram has served to over 80,000 views. Great job, guys. Just super. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Within five minutes of posting this, I see agreements written in Spanish (Mexico), Italian, German, and French. Not a great sign. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Intolerance and the ruthless self-interest of political parties have so damaged the foundation of nationhood—the willingness to cooperate with one's neighbor—that I fear we have already witnessed the failure of some the greatest states of our era. We just don't realize it.
every day we stray further from god twitter.com/LizMair/status…
this is a violation of the non-aggression principle twitter.com/LizMair/status…
the next time she burns a pokemon card, tell her you think this was what uncle marx was talking about when he said the existence of the state is inseparable from the existence of slavery
children of the world unite twitter.com/LizMair/status…
Come join me at @FreedomofPress: Our work is 100% open-source and non-profit, we support journalists and whistleblowers, and the software you'll develop protects the most sensitive communications in the most important newsrooms of the world. Details: twitter.com/SecureDrop/sta…
"Maybe I should just ask the CIA what to think" is extremely 2021. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Have you ever looked at who is behind these new for-profit "fact-checking" companies? "NewsGuard" is "advised" by one of the country's most famous liars—the man who secretly built the global mass surveillance system that, once uncovered, courts condemned as an outrageous crime.
Are you an Android developer? Here's your chance to get involved with one the most important FOSS projects in the world: twitter.com/GrapheneOS/sta…
No, I don't use Wickr. The point is that in 2021, you can't credibly purport to provide a secure app when you a) take money from the CIA and b) literally give the CIA a seat on your board of directors. ayfkm?
Into the trash it goes. vice.com/en/article/y3d…
Today I learned that if you're a sports reporter, you probably shouldn't heckle @johncusack at a game, because he's apparently a walking encyclopedia of baseball history and it will end in a video of you getting wheeled out on a stretcher. twitter.com/chron/status/1…
If you object to this particular act of violence, Hurt-Feelings Reports are available at the following organizational resource. Have a blessed day. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/on-censorshi…