Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Singling out @tiktok_us just because it's linked to China is entirely the wrong move. Don't ban a company. Don't ban a country. Ban the *practice.* Make the systematic and exploitative collection of people's private details unlawful. Under *any* flag. blog.malwarebytes.com/privacy-2/2022…
people are like "I'm not going to eat the crickets." oh you're gonna eat the crickets, brother. they're gonna be everywhere. they're gonna put em in Hot Pockets. your kids are gonna be like "mom! i want the pizza crickets!"
Ordinary Americans are hurting, but it looks like Congress is doing just fine. twitter.com/CryptoWhale/st…
every time i see some big name completely furious—just absolutely losing their monocle—over the idea that someone might dare disagree with the white house, it makes me tweet a little harder
And so you just let it go? You, the President of the United States, say you believe the guy is *personally responsible* for murdering a Washington Post columnist and US resident, and you just let it go for a smile and a fist bump? Super. twitter.com/DeItaone/statu…
Biden before he had your vote: “I would make it very clear we were going to make [the Saudi government] pay the price, and make them, in fact, the pariah that they are.” Biden after he had your vote:
Upon arriving in Saudi Arabia, Biden mimes holding up his half of a ceremonial saw—to bury the memory of murdered Washington Post columnist and US resident Jamal Khashoggi.
This is the real reason Assange is in prison. #FreeAssange twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
I'm just trying to imagine the mindset of the kid graduating high school this year, after missing years of class time, and realizing they're about to step into the world with the difficulty slider locked on Nightmare Mode. How are you handling it? twitter.com/Snowden/status…
The good news: We're all going to be billionaires. The bad news: A gallon of milk costs 2.6 trillion dollars.
The White House? Planning coups? twitter.com/CNN/status/154…
Between 1999 and 2014, the percentage who imagine the Sun revolves around the Earth *went up*. In this kind of world, time I spend on politics increasingly feels like a mistake. Drowning in the tide of imbeciles, we nod to sermons from the flotsam. abcnews.go.com/US/quarter-ame…
It is, in a dark way, psychologically reassuring to say, "Oh, everything is monitored and there's nothing I can do. I shouldn't bother." The problem is that it's not true. twitter.com/naomibrockwell…
the central bank ate 17.5% of your pringles twitter.com/WallStreetSilv…
So, uh, I guess the military poisoned a major Hawaiian water supply, lied about it, and then downplayed the harm. Now a whistleblower seems to have revealed a video of the leak to a local paper. Wow. Locals would be justified in booting the military off the island over this. twitter.com/SDonziger/stat…
elon was right to back out
every time i acknowledge someone to the left of dick cheney may have made a point, i—the guy hired by both the CIA *and* NSA—get accused of being a communist like, really? the first question they ask on the polygraph is, on a scale of 9 to 10, how much do you love billionaires
"Women couldn't own property, they couldn't sign contracts, couldn't get a mortage, couldn't testify in court, they couldn't vote. It wasn't until [1974], after decades of women's struggles, that they could have credit cards... They are not going to be forced back into the home." twitter.com/EmpireFiles/st…
Every time I hear her, I am reminded @AbbyMartin has things to say that will never be spoken on the corpo media nightlies. The very definition of a "dangerous voice." twitter.com/EmpireFiles/st…
We have built databases of ruin—archives of intensely-detailed personal records so vast as to hold every individual life at ransom. The inevitable leaks are ineradicable, and cannot be cleaned up: "The Internet never forgets." In time, the mosaic will leave no life unrevealed. twitter.com/opinion/status…
State supremacy is threatening to become the global ideology of the new century. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
the government has done such a good job solving our problems boy howdy we should probably just give those rock stars even more power to determine the outcome of our lives