Henry Thurlow(@henry_thurlow)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

I drew Layouts and Key animation (and even a bit of in-between animation) for One Piece episode 1033. I hope I elevated this scene as far as it could go and everyone enjoyed the episode!😁 ワンピース1033話、原画で参加しました。宜しくお願いします!
This was the most difficult sequence I storyboarded & animated from One Piece episode 1066. It is all 1 cut, which follows Law`s perspective as he uses his teleportation powers & the world around him changes. 私が担当したワンピース1066話のアニメーションです。よろしくお願いします!
I wonder what the people who complain every week about TV anime think about older series, the one’s I grew up loving. DBZ, Yuyu Hakusho, Hokuto no Ken, Berserk, Kenshin etc. They rarely had “insane/smooth” animation. Just great art, great characters & story, & were perfect as is.
If you guys liked One Piece episode 1000, just wait till you see what we’ve got in store for episode 2000! *That one’s* gonna be *super* good. 2044! Save the date is all I’m sayin.
Just a few more days before a whole lot of One Piece fans have a new favorite episode. 😆 twitter.com/OPcom_info/sta…
We just had the premier screening of One Piece episode 1000 at Toei Animation, followed by a small celebration with meat bento’s, One Piece cookies, a cake, and flowers sent directly from Oda-Sensei himself. 😁
Just a few weeks and a few episodes into the new year and One Piece is already proving 2023 really is gonna be “the year of the One Piece anime.” We haven’t even arrived at the biggest of the climactic battles yet.
Some scene`s I animated for next week`s One Piece 1003 were used in today`s "next episode preview." 🤗
So you think you’ve got the best One Piece collectables huh? We’ll let me ask you *THIS* … Do you have this “only for the anime staff mug” made & sent to us directly from Oda Sensei himself? I think *NOT.* 😁 (Seriously though, thanks Oda Sensei. What a nice surprise!)
This is another scene I animated in ONE PIECE Film RED. twitter.com/ichigoginchan/…
On the topic of people who illegally steal & share unreleased material: (I.E. “Leakers”) You are actively upsetting & demotivating the artists working on the projects you leak. You ruin the experience for fans & creators alike who were excited for the big debut day. (Cont. …)
Wife finished reading Nami`s arc in the One Piece manga. As expected, she really liked this one & cried at the end when Genzo put the pinwheel on Bell-mere` grave. She said "I can`t believe Nami`s story was so sad and dark. I wasn`t expecting her to have had such a hard life."
I read the comments I get & just laugh & laugh. I appreciate the kind ones(Much love) But I swear some people seem to think I’m single handedly responsible for the OP anime. Someone just told me to improve my Sanji in the future. I’ve…never even worked on a Sanji scene though.😅
Ya`ll ain`t ready for these final Wano fights.
I drew Key animation for Naruto & Sasuke`s transformations in Boruto 204. Working on the Naruto franchise again with studio Pierrot was a lot of fun! ボルト204話、原画で参加しました。久しぶりにナルトとサスケを描きました。@0wY07pVeHNAiSjJ参加させて頂きありがとうございました。😁
One more sequence i animated appearing in the new ONE PIECE Film: RED trailer. 😁 First time ever drawing Sanji.
Ahead of Berserk’s continuation I want to state: I don’t want to hear *any* complaining about art style. If it matches Miura’s style, if it misses the mark, if it’s simplistic scribbles. Don’t care. We are lucky to have this team creating this for us. GRATITUDE folks. Learn it.
Holy crap. One Piece is really big enough in America now to get a billboard to advertise just one special episode? That’s pretty crazy. When I left America One Piece was pretty much unknown beyond the failed 4Kids version. twitter.com/Crunchyroll/st…
Was just ignoring this nonsense but a few people asked about it so here: As an animator working in Japan for years, I`ve never seen anyone do this. Everyone draws 100% 2D. The End. This video here is a rare technique used to keep a 2D character moving *on* a 3D moving background. twitter.com/Chronexia/stat…
The "Given" movie is now available on @Crunchyroll. Our studio @dartshtajio drew Key Animation and Animation-Direction for over 100 cuts in the film. Here are screenshots of some of the cuts I personally drew. Enjoy! 「ギヴン」劇場版、原画で参加しました。よろしくお願いします!
I drew key animation for One Piece episode 1040. I only did a short scene but Full-body Armament-Haki Jinbei & some splashes of blood was really fun to work on. Outside of Film: RED this was my first time drawing Jinbei. ワンピース1040話、原画で参加しました。宜しくお願いします!
... Also, if you`ve been following me, I promised Luffy nipples this episode. And I did, in fact, deliver Luffy nipples. You are all very, very welcome.
I did some animation on the "Road to Naruto" PV. I only drew 2 seconds & I didn`t even clean it up myself. 😅 BUT, I got to draw my favorite scene while my favorite themesong plays.😁 『ナルト』20周年記念のPV(2秒だけ。笑)アニメーターとして参加しました。よろしくお願いします!
“Berserk 30th anniversary art exhibit” turned “Kentaro Miura memorial exhibit” after the creator’s passing a few months ago. Incredibly beautiful. Incredibly sad.
The more I see the more excited I get for episode 1000. Fans will not be disappointed. 😁