Friends from liberal democracies of the world, thank you for #standingwithhk. Please remember this: by helping #HK, you are also helping yourselves to bring #China back to embracing a rules-based world order which #CCP has promised to do upon China’s accession to #WTO! twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
EU parliament considers suing China over Hong Kong - Inkstone inkstonenews.com/politics/eu-pa…
Pro-democracy Hong Kong activists protest postponed elections – Channel 4 News channel4.com/news/pro-democ…
Request Permanent Court of Arbitration
to Investigate Unlawful Use of Force of Hong Kong Police chng.it/Rd8Vb7PS 來自 @Change
Please sign in support of this request.
Special Report: How murder, kidnappings and miscalculation set off... reut.rs/2Z6bgz9
So it wasn’t Lam who instigated it all! Treacherous breach of the Basic Law by the CCP is once again definitely proven. Lam has been just a puppet with strings pulled from behind her.
A judge who delivered reasons for sentence of the convict that poured salt into the wound of an already polarised and deeply divided HK. Judges are expected for their impartiality and political neutrality in discharging duties of a judicial officer. twitter.com/benedictrogers…
BBC News 中文 - 香港民主黨創黨主席李柱銘專訪:「新一國兩制」在破壞鄧小平當年的承諾 bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/…
#HK is no longer trusted as a jurisdiction that practises the rule of law that is capable of affording to fugitives extradited here with the basic protections of human rights and a fair judicial process! twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
Civic Party to disband, ending 16 years of pro-democracy fight thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/…
It is noteworthy that Professor Yuen’s same interview on YouTube has been censored and cannot be watched any more! Treasure this link. twitter.com/TheiKevin/stat…
It is unimaginable those governing an #IFC as advanced, educated, free and socially mature as #HongKong would deploy such low and despicable skills in politicking by holding #HKers to ransom! If we don’t agree to let #HKPolice buy new weapons, no $10000 #COVIDー19 relief payout. twitter.com/hkladyliberty/…
How Xi's 'controlocracy' lost control of the coronavirus | The Japan Times japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/0…
But now #CarrieLam’s Administration, dictated to by liaison office, has declared that it is NOT. This is to give the liaison office a carte blanche to interfere with matters within HK’s autonomy promised under the #BasicLaw. HK people ruling HK becomes BJ ruling HK. End of 1C2S twitter.com/hkfp/status/12…
The sad thing about Hong Kong is such a catastrophic “leader” remains in power, with all her pertaining conceitedness, arrogance, foolishness, dishonesty and incompetence! #FightForFreedom
#StandWithHongKong twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
God Bless Taiwan! Vote for freedom, human rights and rule of law! It feels so good that you can vote for your own destiny. Make your votes count! HK stands with Taiwan! #FightForFreedom #Taiwan2020 #democracy #TaiwanElection #Taiwan twitter.com/iingwen/status…
'Don't take my Yuen Long comments out of context' news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/compon… Police blames protestors as culprits bringing upon the terrorist attack on themselves on July 21 at Yuen Long Station, but starts to qualify such statement within next 48 hrs. Crazy !
If such police brutal behaviour continues to be condoned and goes unpunished, how can #HKers feel safe and live in dignity to enjoy life with freedom and human rights sufficiently protected? #PoliceBrutality #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/HKGlobalConnec…
China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower's warning hongkongfp.com/2020/03/14/chi… via @hongkongfp
How could the police possibly justify such use of force on a man who had obviously been subdued and posed no threat at all to riot police arresting him? This is sheer tyrannical violence aimed to at least cause grievous bodily harm! #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/danielchsuen/s…
Hongkongers are out in large numbers to call for DEMOCRACY NOW! Universal suffrage for electing our Chief Executive and all members of the LegCo. We are promises this by the Basic Law and yet it is still nowhere in sight when HK is almost half way from 1997 to 2047! #StandWithHK t.co/pHgH3e2Eaa
Agree with Brian 200%! Keep it up, #HongKongers ! GO! GO! GO! All the way! #FightForFreedom #OneCountryTwoSystems #RuleOfLaw #CivicParty t.co/yq1Psifd94
Carrie Lam now even CONNECTS the Democratic Camp and Pro-Beijing Camp by proposing to use a yet-to-be-occupied public housing estate in a residential area as a quarantine centre for those suspected of being infected with Wuhan Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #CatastrophicCarrie twitter.com/jooeysiiu/stat…