Hongkongers are making history again
12.8 星期日三點,維園見!再創歷史!Let’s make history again on Sunday! #FightForFreedom #StandwithHonKong
We are not giving up! What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger! #CCP #1C2S #BasicLaw #CivicParty #HKPoliceBrutality #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/timtalksalot/s…
#HKPolice is rewriting history of 21 July 2019 Yuen Long mob attacks. #Hongkongers will not allow them to! #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/tomgrundy/stat…
This clip shows how disgusting and barbaric is Beijing's proxies in the Legislative Council in #HK. Kwok Wai-keung is just one of them. Disgusting! Disgraceful! Kwok was putting up a show for the #CCP masters in Beijing and Hong Kong. twitter.com/ezracheungtoto…
“Money laundering” is a vague and ambiguous concept used by laymen without legal precision. If used by the government arbitrarily (without exact criminal offence and details pinpointed) to political ends, HK’s status and function as an IFC will no longer be trusted #StandWithHK twitter.com/jooeysiiu/stat…
At least 12 Hong Kong opposition veterans arrested by police over organising unlawful protests
Only days after Director of Liaison Office of CPG in HK called on “patriots” to start a “struggle” for national security, mass arrests happen today #StandWithHK scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
Five Demands, Not One Less! Christmas Version God Bless HK #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
Hong Kong has been protesting for six months. The city may never be the same again. cnn.com/interactive/20… Peoples of the free world see their future by watching Hong Kong. Fight against authoritarianism together with Hongkongers. It is now or never #StandWithHongKong
Night falls. March in Hong Kong is still going strong after 4 hours of its starting ! #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
THE HK FREEDOM MOVEMENT is not a riot; it is a movement by HKers to fight to preserve values and institutions of our home that we have shared with the world’s liberal democracies ! CCP is an authoritarian regime and wants to MAINLANDISE HK in treacherous breach of the BASIC LAW ! twitter.com/JanJekielek/st…
In Hong Kong crackdown, police repeatedly broke their own rules — and faced no consequences wapo.st/hong-kong-poli… To HK Police, rules, guidelines and the law are observed in their breaches rather than compliance ! This is what infuriates HKers ! #FightForFreedom #StandWithHK
[Updated] Patten-led group of over 201 Parliamentarians from 23 countries decry 'flagrant breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration' — Hong Kong Watch hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2020…
#Hongkongers are hanging in here. We are not giving up our fight for freedom, human rights, rule of law and a democratic political system to safeguarding these values and institutions. We are sure we are and shall not be alone. #StandWithHK #FightForFreedom
We are proud to walk alongside and be called HONGKONGERS❤️❤️
HK Police gave HKers a not-so-silent night. Many HKers, however, are peaceful at heart. We have accepted the God-given role to defend values and institutions of liberal democracies against tyrrany and oppression AND IN GOD WE TRUST. twitter.com/jooeysiiu/stat…
Looks like the battle for control of Legislative Council has begun! #CCP tactics for September elections appear to be suppression and disqualifying dissidents from running. If liberal democracies do not #StandWithHK, the #HK we know will disappear fast! wsj.com/articles/hong-…
Police finally let out the “secret” unknowingly 🤪 🤪HKers have long suspected much vandalism was of the making of agent provocateurs! Now he admitted it.
#FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/LIHKGPicks/sta…
HK Police still tells us this is proper use of police powers. And, Carrie Lam still refuses to appoint a Commission of Inquiry. HKers are outraged and will definitely fight on for freedom, human rights and rule of law! #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/LamYikFei/stat…