Eugene Lee Yang(@EugeneLeeYang)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

🏳️‍🌈💜✌️ @HRC #HRCLADinner
It’s the series finale of #AdventureTime tonight, one of the greatest animated shows of all time, and a wonderful creative platform that launched a new generation of influential, forward-thinking animators. I’m emotional. 😭
“Now, if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, now's the fucking time!” Beauty & Blood Series: #KillBill🗡️ O-Ren Ishii 石井 オーレン (Lucy Liu) #Halloween #Eugenoween
Happy birthday to one of my best friends @korndiddy, you adorable brilliant nerdy hairy amazing Jewish stud of a man
Just sitting inside, consumed by the thought of the first day we can safely get outta here. The CHAOS and JOY we will share! The PLANS we'll make and then break! The random ACQUAINTANCES we'll forget! The MUSIC we haven't gotten to DANCE to! I'm gonna HANDSHAKE the FUCKING MOON!
if it is animated i will watch it I. WILL. WATCH. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF. IT.
We've seen too many horrific videos capturing police brutality. There's something particularly awful about the sound of the man's head hitting the pavement surrounded by relative quiet that compelled me to write what I watched. I refuse to be desensitized by it. It's nauseating.
Really wish I could allow myself to feel bad instead of constantly distracting myself with work.
go magikarp
I put more work into planning my theme birthday parties than most people do their own weddings. Behold my special cocktails list I created for the bar featuring inspiring Asian goddesses from my childhood. #Eugene33 🍹
Who is that girl I see Staring straight back at me When will my reflection show Who I am inside
me fighting with myself
"How do you spend your free time?" "Failing to face swap with my dog."
Petition for a publication to create a list called "30 Over 30 Who Finally Figured Their Shit Out And Are Absolutely Killing It But Needed Their Teens And 20s To Constantly Fuck Up And Learn From Their Mistakes" #30Under30
I think about this Calvin and Hobbes strip often. "I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up." It doesn't.
The GOP can't even suppress voters without looking dumb and desperate and that's literally one of the only things they've been consistently good at.…
My New Year's Resolution is to be less cynical, even though resolutions are totally pointless and no one ever follows through on them
I will support this film with all the strength of a raging fire but Lord help those sitting around me in the theater because I will mutter every Mushu line where I find narratively appropriate 🐉
IDK why guys still think Asian girls are "submissive" when they're quiet. They're quiet because they're silently plotting ways to kill you.
It's extremely depressing to imagine that this current political period may very well be the thing our generation rants most about in our rocking chairs to our grandchildren.
When your friend is a literal photobomb @KeithHabs
my plans 2020 🤝 me in 2021
"Feminine" is not an insult. "Feminine" is you demonstrating your complete ignorance of women. My sisters can kick your ass. And so can I.