At #Zhuhai Customs in Guangzhou, #CCPChina. Not sure exactly what is happening. But there are a lot of rumors that people's passports and even green cards get destroyed at the Customs. It is more & more difficult for ppl to leave #China. #珠海 海關。不太明白怎麼回事。不讓潤?
Summary of #CCP's current #COVID policy: Let whoever needs to be infected infected, let whoever needs to die die. Early infections, early deaths, early peak, early resumption of production. #GPD goal for 2023: 8.0% By the way, this is a hospital in #CCPChina if you care to know.
English titles added: CCTV: @SecPompeo, a "Political Virus" Spreader, Is Turning Himself into a Common Enemy for Mankind. 這個加了英文字幕。央視開始破口大罵了。
Wow, this is really something. “#CCP , step down! #XiJinping, step down!” The crowd is shouting, and the police officers do NOT stop them. At Urumqi Road in #Shanghai, #CCPChina
Scary. Watch this. Speech in 2017 by Wang Jian, director of life science and genomics organization BGI (
#Tanks spotted tonight in #Xuzhou city #CCPChina. Don’t know what they are up to, or whether they’re related to #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising #BlankPapersRevolution #WhitePaperRevolution in #China
This may be useful to physicians & medical community. A Chinese doctor sharing “white lung” images of some of the 120 patients he saw in 8 hours’ night shift, including their ages. As we can hardly get anything from #CCP, this kind of info may be important. #COVID19 #chinacovid
我接獲獨家爆料,此視頻中的女子名叫 #張喜燕#北京政法大學 研究生院畢業(2000-2003年),法律碩士專業,曾任 #北京機場 緝私 #警察,2012年移民澳洲,先生叫 #徐子明…
Residents in #Beijing #CCPChina are required to wear this electronic bracelet after returning to Beijing from other cities so that their movements can be monitored. The bracelet can monitor your body temperature 24/7, as well as your locations and movements.
A student at No. 1 High School in Guo Village, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, #CCPChina collapsed on the spot and died after receiving #vaccine. 扬州市江都区郭村一中学生打疫苗,当场昏倒,抢救无效死亡。该中学生刚刚考进当地的育才中学。
Look at the cars towed out of the death #tunnel in #Zhengzhou. And the #CCP told us only 6 died in it. My comprehensive coverage about #flood at & 看看这些拖出来的车吧,#郑州 #隧道 里到底死了多少人?点以上看我的英文报导
Police checking people’s cellphone at the subway in #Shanghai, as a way to crackdown on the #ChinaUprising #ChinaProtest2022 #A4Revolution #BlankPapersRevolution #chinaprotest
Jan 7, at #Chongqing city, #CCPChina, workers clashed with #CCP police whn they protested against their employer, ZY Bio(中元汇吉药厂) ‘s sudden announcement that some 10K employees would be laid off. #ChinaProtests #China #ChinaUprising
Sources in China tell me: 1. Things are very bad in Guangzhou City of #Guangdong province. #CCPVirus cases are exploding. 2. Schools and universities in Beijing won’t open until September. 來自中國的消息:廣州 #中共病毒 案例爆增, 北京的學校9月前都開不了學。
Residents at Tongzhou District in #Beijing #CCPChina pushed down the #lockdown wall and shouted “End the lockdown!” November 26, 2022.
Haha, this speech of #XiJinping himself is also censored in #CCPChina now , as he says, “Now the Chinese people have organized themselves. They are not to be messed with, if you mess with them, it will not end well. “ #ChinaProtest #Chinauprising #BlankPaperRevolution
What a scene! Somewhere in #CCPChina, patients can only receive infusions outside, in the cold wind, as hospitals are all full. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #XiJingping
“We want to go home!” #Foxconn Workers shouted as riot police arrived at the scene. In #iPhone city in #Zhengzhou, #CCPChina. Nov 23. See my previous tweets for more.
Make China Green again. EP4. #中共 式綠化
#CCP's 6 steps to Eliminate #Japan, Divide It Into 4 States and put them under administration of #China and #Russia with an "unlimited war". And liberate #Taiwan at the same time. #中共 軍事頻道威脅將 #日本 「滅國」,分割成四個小國,由中俄代管,中俄駐軍。同時「 解放」 #臺灣
Bombshell evidence! World exclusive! I unearthed & translated into English a video about #Wuhan P4 lab, which can prove that they had live bats in the lab. Sky News showed a little bit of the video. I found the whole thing, 11 minutes.
In #CCPChina, when somebody falls, it’s…business as usual. #中共国 特色的 #社会主义
All dead in Room 726. Desperate cry at #Foxconn in Zhengzhou, #Henan province, #CCChina. Covid-19 lockdown
Dozens of #CCP police surround and kick a #Foxconn worker during the latest #iPhone city riots. Newly recruited Workers found they were cheating and wanted to go home. See my previous tweets for more details.