No words! After #Beijing Shijingshan Hospital was suddenly locked down, this woman had to give birth out on the concrete pavement. What a shame! #北京 石景山医院关闭,孕妇在医院大门口水泥路面上分娩。#中共国 一次次突破人类底线。#COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina
Difficult to watch. Young woman obviously couldn’t breathe. After she collapsed, people around her were calling, “Doctor! Doctor!” But no doctors came out. She died. Judging from the accent of some of the people in the video, I think this could be in #Chongqing City. #ChinaCovid
“This is Anshan City, #Liaoning Province. They all say [this] doesn't kill people, see how many have died. Full of people. Mortuaries are all full. The underground garage was temporarily converted into one. See how many. I am not exaggerating.” #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #China
Trafficked Girl Caught after Escaping in #China. I heard a similar story from a trafficked woman who escaped after 6 months of pregnancy. I told that story here: #MotherofEight Chained, #CCP Denies #HumanTrafficking, A True Story I Met 30 Years Ago
It is said the tunnel is now under military control, #CCP is secretly moving the bodies out in the night. Watch my comprehensive & unique coverage of the #Zhengzhou #flood , at #floods #HenanProvince #CCPChina #flooding #Flood #chinaflood #ChinaFloods
Exclusive info: Zhang Xiyan, a veteran #CCP member pledges her loyalty to the CCP from #Sydney. I wonder why #Australia and other western countries would take these people in? If she loves the CCP so much, she should live in #CCPChina.
#CCPChina, no comments! 無言以對……
1. Ready for #war? #CCP has quietly passed its Reserve Military Service Law, which will take effect on 3/1/2023. Anyone who is 18 years or older is obliged to enlist after a national defense mobilization is announced. "After receiving the call-up notice, reservists must report to
#Iran no good for not being able to blow up even just 1 #atomicbomb. #CCP should arrest 8 more #Canadians & kill all 10 if #Canada dares to send #MengWanzhou to #US. #China needs a big purge, ppl like #VickyZhao should all be arrested. #XiJinping needs to learn from Chairman Mao
1/2 Latest from #Foxconn in #iPhone city in #Zhengzhou: Newly recruited workers fiercely fight with security guards as they try to storm out of the factory. Reason: Foxconn tried to recruit about 100K new workers after a lot escaped a while ago. New workers were told they would
According to ⁦@lude_media⁩, Lucia Hunt(married to Jeremy Hunt in 2009) is a Chinese spy, spy code:817 Capacitance. Her Chinese name is YaLi Guo. She graduated from Luoyang Foreign Language school ( a school which is authorized by China military for spy training purpose).
Enough is enough. #Wuhan, people kicked down the damn #lockdown wall. The said, the #Covid started here, let it finish here too! #CCPChina #ChinaProtests
If #CCP's police are doing this in board daylight, what won't they do behind the walls of prisons? #中共 國的人還要忍多少才起來反抗?
On April 14, at Bengbu City in #Anhui Province, #China. We've seen similar scenes many times now. 4月14日下午,在安徽蚌埠。同樣的症狀,同樣的景象,已經見到多次了。 More 更多视频: #CCPVirus #COVID2019 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronavirusPandemic
"Down with the tyranny! No more Emperor #Xi" Not sure who composed or sang this beautiful song, but I translated it. The nationwide #ChinaRevolution is getting more creative & winning more people's hearts. RT to show your support & solidarity! #China #ChinaUprising #chinaprotest…
#AmazingChina. After arriving at the #Earthquake site in #Sichuan Province, #CCPChina, the first thing the rescuers did was NOT to rescue survivors but to line up for #COVID19 testing... #COVID #CCPvirus
The number of #Shanghai metro passengers kept dropping, from 10.203 million on Dec 9 to 3.055 million on Dec 17, after the #CCP made a U-Turn in its #ZeroCOVIDpolicy. #chinalockdown #CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #lockdown #XiJinping #CCP #China
Nov 23, a fire broke out in Urumqi's Jixiang Yuan district. Because of the #covid #lockdown, fire truck couldn’t get closer & people were locked inside & couldn’t escape. #CCP says 10 killed, but it is widely believed that death toll is over 20. That’s 1 reason for today’s riots.
I am talking about this issue now: Is #XiJinping Under Arrest After #Military #Coup? Three Senior #AntiXi Officials Sentenced to Death…
#Shanghai police blatantly beat up ⁦⁦@BBCNews⁩ reporter Edward Lawrence.
#PLA #tanks on the streets in Rizhao City, #Shandong Province, #CCPChina. It was said that there is a navy training base nearby, and this happens every year. Yet, right now...
In #Shanghai, they've run out of urns. So ashes are now put in bags. The sign on the wall says, "Please check carefully when you collect the ashes. Shanghai Funeral and Interment Service Center." #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare
This is not new. I shared similar news long ago. #PLA to Explode its Soldiers with Smart- Sensor Bracelets if they Defect or Surrender to Indian Army…