Warning! Graphic! Puppy beaten up & possibly killed after owner taken away for #quarantine in #CCPChina. Video was captured by the surveillance camera at home. The owner was not allowed to take his puppy with him, and the authorities promised that they wouldn't harm the dog...
Somewhere in #CCPChina, kids run and caught...#VaccineMandates? #中共國 小學生打 #疫苗
In #CCPChina, a man beats a woman on the street, and all the onlookers think it is OK... #中共國 人心已經冷漠至此。
Hidden #SOS message in this photo of #PengShaui: Panda is China's “national treasure”, or Guobao 國寶 in Chinese. Secret police is National Security, which sounds Guobao 國保 too. So she is probably saying: I am in the hands of secret police, Winnie the Pooh #XiJinping is behind
英國宣佈外交抵制北京奧運 twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
#CCPChina, no comments! 無言以對……
#WHO might have avoided #XiVirus, however, the Cantonese way of saying #Omicron is "I eliminate Communism." (我滅共)。
In #CCPChina, even a security guard can do this to the vulnerable, and nobody intervenes... Dec. 12, in #Guangzhou. The police later said this man was arrested and would be detained for 15 days. 在 #中共国 ,连个保安都这么猖狂了吗?
#CCP's 'whole-process people's #democracy' outside a police department. Don't know what these people are begging for. #中共国#全过程民主
If you call an ambulance in #CCPChina...
In Hangzhou, #China, while quarantined at home, someone's cloth was blown down. What can be done? Watch how the crab finishes the "mission impossible". 杭州,居家隔离时,一只大闸蟹出色地完成了替主人捡衣服的任务。
The #CCP's "city managers" beat up a child who has to support his family by selling candied haws, while #XiJinping claims that everyone in #China has been lifted out of poverty...這就是 #中共國 的城管及 「全民脫貧」……
Dear @POTUS @JoeBiden, this is what #CCP says about #US and its #COVID19 situation. If you find #Chinese people hate #America, don't be surprised. It is time to ban #CCP propaganda and deport all the CCP "journalists" (aka spies) in the US. #中共國 的主播們真敢講啊。
The #CCP's "Eye of Sauron". #中共国 的索伦之眼
At Dongxing port in Baise, Guangxi province in #CCPChina, stowaways are humiliated and denounced. People say that they are the reason why everyone has to be quarantined! 广西百色的东兴口岸,偷渡者被贴大字报游街示众!当地人说就因为他们害得大家被隔离!
Welcome to #CCP's "Zero-#Virus" camp. 美麗的新世界。
Defend #BeijingOlympics! Everyone in a community in Jinnan District in #Tianjin taken to quarantine camps. #Tianjin is 60 miles away from #Beijing. 天津津南区小区都被拉去集中营隔离。
This PLA senior colonel threats nuclear war with the US for the sake of #Taiwan. He bets that #US dares not to "go back to the Stone Age" with the #CCP. 共匪国防大学教授房兵的核威胁。这才是真正的 #恐怖分子。 We should treat terrorists as terrorists, not "competitors". @POTUS
#CCP continues to treat #Americans as virus. This notice says the capital airport in #Beijing will be in the highest biochemical level 3 defense status when 370 #US #athletes arrive on Jan 14. Residents urged to avoid going out then. Brainwashed Chinese say...
Residents riot in Sungang, #Shenzhen #CCPChina. People are tired of the #lockdown. 深圳笋岗 被封居民反抗了。
Shocking! Woman chained as sex slave for 24 years & forced to give birth to 8 children, with only 2 teeth left. She has lost ability to speak when volunteer found her. #CCP denied she was sold there & said she has mental illness. She has disappeared since exposed.
Disturbing! Another woman, in the same Dongji Village, Feng County, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province in #CCPChina, also chained for more than 20 years. She even doesn't have clothes. She was sold to the village around the same time as the mother of 8(story: youtu.be/FRzJ1dbRYdg)
Mother of 8 I talked about in this show youtu.be/FRzJ1dbRYdg says all are "rapists" in that family. 徐州八孩妈妈骂那家人「通家都是强奸的」 。我做了个中文节目在这里:youtu.be/dNNeIuwqxSw
Village Where Mother of 8 Had Been Chain-up Blocked 八孩媽媽「徐八子」所在董集村被封鎖 Background info of this case: youtu.be/36b5Z2M6TOM and youtu.be/Fr49XQjiFdo 中文詳細報導請見:youtu.be/dNNeIuwqxSw