Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Building a cat friendly house in Japan! youtu.be/3updIrIN2Lw An update on our design plans for our cat house, as well as the cat house options that different Japanese companies offer!
We got each of our cats their favorite things youtu.be/5118BppGg1E
He really just does his own thing
Today felt nice and warm with the sunlight coming through our doors! And yet we might be getting some snow later this week and I'm excited?? I guess I've been away from snow for so long that I'm finally starting to miss it!
PICHI IS ON THE COUCH WITH ME!! I caught her jumping off the couch when I got back from a bathroom break so I thought I'd try making a pillow barrier to see if she'd come back AND SHE DID!! lol, small steps
Jun got me a Switch for Christmas!!! Tried not to cry, cried a lot 😭 I’ve been wanting one for so long, especially since Animal Crossing came out, but felt like it’d be too selfish to buy it for myself when we’re saving for a house. Really didn’t expect this
So, Jun described Pichi letting us get closer to her before running away as "her alert circle is getting smaller" and this is such an amazing phrase. From now on when I'm high anxiety, feeling crowded & need to leave I'm going to say there are too many people in my alert circle.
It's starting to get cold again, which means it's time for clingy Haku!
I think my phone is under there somewhere What do I do
Pichi's getting better at playing! 💕
Yesterday we had another awesome cleanup at Shikanoshima! The island sent out flyers about the event and we had a ton of locals show up. Even some surfers took a break to pitch in! We're so, so grateful to everyone! Our pile this time was absolutely massive--about 140 bags worth!
Poki and Pichi groomed each other today! 💕
Nagi would rather squish down on Poki's face than sit close to me in any of that open space lmao
Good boy Nagi social distancing
Introducing Pichi to Jun's Kitchen!
We just opened a new MERCH STORE! For the first time ever, we have merch of our cats and it's super adorable!! crowdmade.com/collections/ju… The holiday design is limited through the end of December, and orders in the US should arrive by Christmas if you order before Dec 15th!
Look at Pichi being all cute for Poki
Apparently after Jun found and fed Pichi this morning she came out of hiding and stole Poki's favorite box
Sometimes Pichi likes to test out new hiding spots overnight and we have to spend the morning trying to figure out where she went so we can feed her
I don't know why this clip of Jun raising Nagi's chair is so funny to me, lmao poor Nagi
Sunday we had another successful beach cleanup at Shikanoshima with Fukuoka For Sustainability! We picked up about 120 bags worth, and had lunch together at the community center after. Thanks to everyone for coming—hope to see you all again next month!!
New Jun's Kitchen video! Japanese Katsu Curry (Pork Cutlet) youtu.be/WaT_rLGuUr8
Cats are so helpful Jun's Kitchen vid coming soon!