Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

A new video is up on Junskitchen! youtu.be/PtQcLbZFl6o This time it’s a craft video. I made a 60 gallons fish tank for my Betta fish with driftwood I collected at a dam. -Jun 動画をアップしました。今回は料理ではなく、無料のダム流木を使って水槽を作りました。
youtu.be/c1aD0HI24PE New cooking video is up on Jun’s Kitchen! It's been 10 years since I made this channel. I wanted to cook & craft in my own kitchen in the future and finally it's happening! It's all thanks to you guys! This time I made traditional Japanese Dango!
Wow, really shocking to hear of gun violence here. It's so rare--one of the reasons I prefer living here. I don't care what the motivations are, there's no justifying what happened. This is just sad.
There are a lot of community cats in our neighborhood that everyone takes care of. This HUGE guy is a newcomer and sometimes like to nap on our patio furniture. Jun just fed him a bit and LOOK AT HIS FACE HE'S SO HAPPY 😭😭😭
Rare Nagi blep
Came home and found a gecko called Yamori / ヤモリ, known as a protector of the house. 🙂 -Jun
Getting along well!
When we first moved into our house a big portion of the yard was empty and barren. Since then we've (well... mostly Jun) planted over 100(!!) trees, not to mention the flowers and bushes We feel so incredibly lucky and grateful to be here. We'll be sharing more soon!
Apparently today (2/22/22) is cat day in Japan so here’s a picture of all three of our boys stealing my chair after I got up to get a glass of water. Have a nice day! -Jun
Healthy smoothie with side of screm
I love how much Pichi loves Poki
I leave for one night to pet sit for friends and Pichi sleeps in bed with Jun and our cats for the first time ever 🥲
This moment is brought to you by chilly weather ❄️
Our limited glow-in-the-dark cat shirts have been extended until Sunday! If you missed them, you have 2 days left!🎃 crowdmade.com/collections/ju…
New cooking video is up on Jun’s Kitchen! I went out for picnic/hiking with my cat this time. I made shaved ice and lemonade with a dollar cooking knife and ice block from conbini. It was easy, cheap, and delicious! youtu.be/aOWkVdU4NH0
Look at this dude
The ultimate sign of Poki happiness is the Poki drop
Poki didn't need his spleen removed!! 🎉 So he's back home already with a wicked side shave and less two tumors. He doesn't feel great but he had a big enough appetite to steal dinner from his brothers. So glad he's home and okay! Cost ~$730 for everything today
The many sleeping poses of Haku
How are our cats doing? youtu.be/vv4XljV64fQ
My mom sent me a package from America on July 19th. What the fuck
New cooking video on Junskitchen.🙂 youtu.be/i4gJa91MyKQ
He want
I guess some things never change
????? How?? Why Sweden?? twitter.com/Violet_Koala/s…