Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Jun called for help and I found Poki actively trying to sabotage his editing
This is our favorite park in Fukuoka! They have tons of beautiful flower displays, adorable monkeys, thieving crows, fantastic architecture, a grass-mowing roomba, and sun speckles through beautiful, green forest trees Uminonakamichi Seaside Park youtu.be/18GYSft8rdQ
Every time I go to the bathroom
One of my favorite Japanese actors, Takeru Sato-san (佐藤健さん) watched our cats on TV! 🙂 -Jun
Flooring samples approved
We've been to this wallpaper/flooring showroom 6 times now and chose their products for most of our house and I just now noticed this on their counter! 💖 🏳️‍🌈 This is pretty unusual for Japan; I'm so happy to see this here!
Jun's at the vet with Haku for a checkup and I keep (unhelpfully) sending him photos of weird spots on Poki, who is being an excellent model right now
This dude just bolted out the door while I was accepting a delivery and I had to chase him down in my socks while the delivery guy just stood there completely unamused waiting for my signature
He looks like he feels duty-bound to rub his scent all over my freshly washed hair but he's not enjoying the process at all
Our friends are moving and needed a place to crash for their night with their cat
Pichi's starting to get super comfy living with us! youtu.be/RE2fa7JagLU
It turns out all we needed to do to get our cats to use everything we bought for them was just get more cats
She follows him everywhere
These two are so cute together 🥺
Pichi reached a new milestone!! She joined Poki on the sofa next to me. I reached over to "pet Poki" (but really brush my arm against her), and she stayed! I've been resting my arm against her for about 10 minutes now and she totally just fell asleep! 😭
We went to our property today to work on the yard. Met a few new neighbors and ended up leaving with a bundle of turnips and tickets to a baseball game! 😄 Everyone we've met in the neighborhood so far has been so nice (and they all love cats!!) Really can't wait to move.
This anteater enjoying sakura blossoms just filled a void in my heart that I never knew I had twitter.com/mame_nek0/stat…
Now Poki doesn't just have to deal with Haku being clingyーPichi follows him everywhere, too! Poki seems to have, entirely unintentionally, become a very popular cat.
Japan is the land of wallpapering everything, and while going through some of the sample books for our house we found this one that has glow in the dark stars built into it!!
I'm not even claustrophobic and this is making me feel claustrophobic twitter.com/Brian_Ashcraft…
Poki has done such a great job welcoming Pichi and I'm so proud of him. It takes him a minute to get used to new faces but he'll accept absolutely anyone into his family. I love him so much.
This is one of my favorite photos I've ever taken of our cats
Softest boy
Pichi is continuing to make even more progress! She lies down next to us more often, naps with all our cats now, and even follows me to different rooms so she can watch what I'm doing (and explore, if she's feeling brave enough to walk past me)