Igor Sushko(@igorsushko)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

#Russia: The residence of #Algeria Ambassador in downtown #Moscow is on fire right now.
TU-95 bomber took off in #Russia about an hour ago. This is how this terrorist regime launches cruise missiles at maternity wards in #Ukraine. Air sirens expected shortly.
#China: Riot at Apple's largest Foxconn #iPhone factory in #Zhengzhou today. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🧵 Igor Eliseev is #Prigozhin's consigliere, lawyer for #WagnerPMC, and literal general director of a company named OOO "Consigliere." Identified by #Osechkin. The recipient is also mafioso & member of the European Parliament. Video published to threaten the parliament body. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#Ukraine: Another open heart surgery without electricity in #Kyiv. About 1/3 of the population including 80% of the capital city are without electricity due to Putin's targeted criminal attacks on energy infrastructure.
THE SHOW MUST GO ON: In #Ukraine, the National Philharmonic Theater performance went on as scheduled, despite the city having no electricity due to #Russia's criminal cruise missile strikes.
Russian invader Denis "Cannibal" has been killed. In the morgue since Nov 4th. His motivational video from last month:
Countless millions of Ukrainians just went through a night with no electricity or hot water in freezing temperatures. Poland asked permission from Germany to send their PATRIOT SAMs to Ukraine instead. Let's hope the leaders of the West don't allow fear to cloud their judgments.
Putin's preparations for war with Japan in the summer of 2021. Russian propaganda began to vilify the Japanese as Nazis and fascists, electronic warfare helicopters were moved to the border, and more, from #WindofChange: newsweek.com/russia-planned…
🧵The U.S. launched the hunt for Roman #Abramovich's hidden assets The West has seized more than $330 billion worth of Russian assets, including half of the foreign currency reserves. But these were relatively easy prey: yachts, private jets, real estate, money in known accounts.
#Ukraine: Amidst the blackout caused by Putin's genocidal regime's cruise missiles, this little girl in #Kyiv was brought to a gas station so that her oxygen machine could be plugged into an electrical outlet powered by a generator.
Another cruise missile barrage by Putin's fascist regime targeting infrastructure, energy grid, & civilians across the whole of #Ukraine is expected in 1 week's time. So far #Russia has been launching 70-100+ cruise missiles during each such attack. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🧵 #China: New COVID quarantine detention center with 87,000 beds was apparently built in #Guangzhou in 15 days.
CHINA: #WorldCup2022 matches are allegedly being televised with the spectators in the stands blurred out so the Chinese public doesn't see regular people congregating without masks.
Ukrainian security service (SBU) raided another Orthodox Church to catch Russian spies. Chernivtsi-Bukovyna Diocese in southwest #Ukraine. Beside finding evidence of espionage & subversion on behalf of #Russia, they also caught Andrej Storozhuk with an UNDERAGE CHOIR BOY in bed.
Forbes reports that #Russia paid out $3.5 billion last month as compensation for the dead & injured. Made possible by $21 billion in oil & gas revenues collected in the same period.
#Latvia: Authorities have destroyed the bridge connecting to #Russia and #Belarus at the Friendship Kurgan on the border where 3 countries meet.
In 1933, an estimated 5-7 million Ukrainians were exterminated through orchestrated starvation by #Stalin. Bodies filled streets. Genocide known as #Holodomor. Stalin then repopulated those areas with Russians. #Ukraine has no choice but to persevere through darkness & cold now.
🚨 #Belarus: Foreign Affairs Minister Vladimir Makei is dead at 64 years old. Cause of death unknown at this time.
#Ukraine: Two-day old baby murdered by a Russian missile in #Zaporizhia.
#Russia on 🔥: Oil refinery on fire in #Angarsk, about 300km north of Mongolia border.
Fascist #Kremlin propagandist #Simonyan's motivational monologue for the mobilized. Rumors are that well over 120,000 Russians are KIA, MIA, WIA in #Ukraine - in 9 months. To paraphrase - "You must die for your Motherland in silence & be thankful!"
🧵Letter from inside the FSB to Vladimir Osechkin, Nov 24. #CSTO – offensive from Belarus “Greetings! At the CSTO Summit, Russia was preparing to shove a couple of clauses into the general protocol as a strawman for the upcoming attack on #Ukraine from #Belarus.
Remember the couple of Russian origin arrested for espionage in #Sweden? The wife's daughter, Anna Vladimirovna Run, honey-trapped the former head of department at the Swedish military intelligence as well. Investigation by the Insider & Bellingcat. theins.ru/politika/257334 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🚨🧵My translation of the Nov 27 #FSBletters from the #WindofChange inside the FSB to Vladimir Osechkin. Subject: Games surrounding Belarus to force involvement in the war and FSB’s psychological profile on Prigozhin. Over 2,300 words. Please share far & wide.