Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷(@joshuawongcf)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

3/ It's also completely irresponsible & unacceptable for Beijing to distort the will of HKers. According to the latest poll, over 80% of the city's population supports free-election. Landslide victory of HK's district council election demonstrates our determination for democracy.
4/ There is no way for Beijing to turn deaf ear to our demands. I hope the Italian government and society can stand with HK in our fight for freedoms. The incident also shows that democracy is the best solution to enhance HK’s autonomy and defend against China’s interference.
Indeed. Italy should not fall into the Italian province of China.…
Even the #HKHRDA is signed and we enjoy the victory on the district council election, it’s still not time for celebration. More than 5000 HKers was arrested sand almost hundred of them were already locked up in prison. Stop police brutality and free-election is the only way out.
Thx @trudyrubin. "Whatever their future, determination of HK’s citizens to fight for rule of law should inspire Americans to defend their own rule of law against WH challenges. If Wong retains his optimism, democrats in US have no excuse to cave."…
Op-ed at @Independent by @BillyFung14 & I 1/ The Hong Kong protest movement won the elections battle – but the war over our five demands is still ongoing As encouraging as the victory was, we have a long way to go before we can turn our attention away from the central cause.
3/ Now is the time for us to work closely in this perennial struggle. Free-election is the only way out. I just remember the quote from Lord Alton “If great cities like London or NY can have directly elected mayors then why can't HK?"…
2/ As our former prime minister Winston Churchill said in 1942, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” We would like to make a plea to our old friends in the UK once again.
Thank you for the support from Laura!…
Taskmaster in Black Widow and Riot Police in Hong Kong
See you tmr in street. We will fight for Hong Kong. We will rock you!
家畜の安寧   虚偽の繁栄 死せる餓狼の自由を! 囚われた屈辱は  反撃の嚆矢だ 城壁のその彼方  獲物を屠るイェーガー 迸る衝動に    その身を灼きながら 黄昏に緋を穿つ  紅蓮の弓矢
800000 HKers took to the street.
Congratulations, @GretaThunberg. You inspire me and many people across the world, especially when you says, "We can’t just continue living as if there was no tmr, because there is a tmr.” Let’s fight together to save our home, our planet, and our future. #TIMEPOY
//Phrases such as “No blue ribbons” or “No yellow ribbons” are common on profiles. It is not uncommon to see protest slogans such as: “Add oil, Hongkongers.” Some even post photos of themselves at protests.//…
🇮🇹 1/ The Chinese government has been quite critical of my speech at the Italian parliament, calling the Italian government "irresponsible". I think China's criticism is completely out of reason and shows no respect to the basic freedoms of people from other democracies.
2/ It is clear that China is its authoritarian regime and political censorship to Italy. The Beijing authority is utterly ignorant of the will of Hong Kong people and deliberately distort the demands of over millions of people.
5/ Any comments that were unfavourable to China-imposed red line will fall prey to China's hegemony. That will be a dire threat to the freedom of speech of Italian people. Also, overdependence on Chinese investments in infrastructure comes with tremendous political risks.
3/ As latest polls, over 80% of the city population support democracy. Even the ex-head of legislature Jasper Tsang supports the need for political reform. The landslide victory of election is another proof. I urge Beijing to honour its promise of true and fair democracy in HK.
4/ Italy joined the belt and road project, signing a memorandum with China cause concrete risk for Italy to fall completely under chinese influence. It's a perfect example that China will use it's as the economic leverage to export its authoritarian value and censorship to Italy.
7/ In fact, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines that have taken part in China's BRI are considering pulling out those large projects, due to the political concerns about the growing reliance on Chinese investments.
6/ Beijing is now pushing its companies to grab markets overseas. Italian firms have to face direct competition from Chinese companies & may be easily squeezed out, not to mention China's poor record of stealing strategic technology through the practice of forced tech transfers.
10/ Italian foreign minister Luigi Di Maio has criticised china which is insightful. I hope the Italian foreign minister can support our democratic aspirations in Hong Kong, as democracy is the only way to de-escalate the situation and maintain prosperity and stability in HK.