Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷(@joshuawongcf)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

[HKers will never surrender because we have nowhere else to turn] Even as some of my compatriots have left the island, faced with the possibility of extradition to China, I still decide to keep on the fight.
Two of my books — alongside those from other pro-democracy activists — were removed from Hong Kong public libraries. ‘With sweeping powers and ill-defined law,’ I said, ‘the city will turn into a secret police state.’
6. As a Christian in Hong Kong, I strongly aware of the erosion of press freedom. However, it is still our duty to be the salt and light in society. Please support our resistance:
5. While #Beijing's #HK chief Xia Baolong is notorious for burning crosses & demolishing churches in China, not to mention that #CCP long considers religious activities as potential threats to #nationalsecurity, it is worrying similar religious crackdown will soon extend to HK.
4. It is the first time ever that even religious activities in #Hongkong were allegedly surveilled by #China’s agents two months after the new #nationalsecuritylaw has been put in place.
2. Although the internal event was exclusively for members, three unknown users, respectively called “HK branch of China’s national security bureau”, “China’s national security bureau” and “Shenzhengovernment” made requests to join the talk soon after the talk started.
[Religious talks via #GoogleMeet allegedly surveilled by #CCP security agency in #HK] 1. @hkcnews_com reports the HKCCCC church held an online talk on Christianity in #China via #googlemeet on Aug 30, illustrating the history of religious policies in China.
BTS 빌보드 메인 싱글 1위 축하합니다!…
4/ なぜなら、警察はいつでも国家安全という理由で令状を申請したり、メディアの事務所を捜査したり、記者を入境拒否することまでできるからです。 明日の午後、私は大埔警察署に出頭しないといけないですが、もし、起訴されたら、年単位で拘束される可能性が高いです。
5/ 引き続き保釈されますように、そして皆さんも無事でありますように。…
3/ 警察は日経の事務所で一体何を調べたのか、そして日経は何を資料提供したのか、まだわかりません。 国安法は香港メディアに影響するだけでなく、国際メディアにとっても「報道の自由」への脅威となります。
@chowtingagnes:国安法で逮捕された理由は、まさかの日経新聞の広告!?】 1/ 先日のAFPの報道によると、私が逮捕された日に、警察はアップルデイリーだけでなく、令状を持って日経新聞の香港事務所にも捜査しに行ったとのことです。
2/ 理由は、去年日経新聞に載せた民主化運動への支持を呼びかける広告らしいです。 今まで言っていませんでしたが、私が警察署で拘束されていた時に、警察から見せられた多くの「証拠」の中の1つが、この広告でした。
Video from another angle shows the woman was forcibly dragged by #hkpolice before she fell on the ground. #Police even fired pepper spray at those who tried to help her from falling. Clearly it's a disproportionate use of force targeting a pregnant woman!……
After one year, #HKPoliceBrutality intensifies. Tonight #hkpolice suddenly charged at unarmed #HKers causing chaos that made a pregnant woman fallen on the ground. #Police then pepper-sprayed reporters to stop them from reporting. #HongKongProtests…
3. However, despite #Beijing's tightening grip, #HKers will continue our fight for democracy and liberty, because it is the only way to bring justice to the city’s next generations. Photo: 非凡人物
[First anniversary of #831 #PrinceEdward attack] 1. In the past year, everything worsens in #HK, with a draconian #NationalSecurityLaw imposed, textbooks censored, #hkprotesters forced into exile, and the fate of 12 asylum seekers now left unknown during detention in #China.
2. Recently #hkpolice just started to rewrite the history of #PoliceBrutality, turning lies into truths. From tomorrow on, #HKgov will impose a citywide DNA collection, which is considered as a prelude to more sophisticated surveillance regime in #Hongkong.
I called on boycott the tests after cited Swedish reports of high rates of 3700 false-positive results returned by test kits from @TheBgiGroup Genomics, a firm involved in the program, and questioned the accuracy of the testing.…
For their Union Square rally today, our friends in New York did a splendid job building a full-size replica of Prince Edward Station's Exit B2. One year on, there are still so many unanswered questions about the August 31 incident. We demand the truth.…
A Hong Kong pro-democracy union of healthcare workers and several activists, including Joshua Wong, called on Sunday for a boycott of the government’s universal coronavirus testing plan, in which medical staff from mainland China are set to assist.
[Hong Kong health workers, activists urge boycott of mass testing]… Joshua Wong said a full closure of the border would be a better measure than the government plan, adding, “It’s like having a pregnancy test without having birth control.”
8. Given the unreliability of the test and high potential of DNA abuse for surveillance, #Hongkongers will boycott the proposed universal testing. We urge #HKgov to halt the plan and take other effective measures, such as full border seal, to curb the virus.
6. Unreliable laboratory: The laboratory responsible for HK universal testing, Sunrise, is owned by #China’s company BGI. BGI was found by Swedish govt that thousands of its test kits generate false positive…
7. Unusual CCP propaganda: Despite doubts by medical professionals, #Beijing’s propaganda machine, from #CCP mouthpiece to China’s officials, dismiss all our doubt. It fuels more concerns that the plan is a large-scale DNA collection paving way to #China-style surveillance regime