3/ I added my voice to the throng, posting a meme of three figures clinking glasses of milk tea and calling for pan-Asian solidarity “to fend off all forms of authoritarianism from China.” (Interview from @niccijsmith @Telegraph)
4. Not to mention that he was berated for any "negative" China coverage. Staffs from Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission even warned him that his reporting violated China's laws, which "spreads rumours and illegal, harmful information which endangered state security."
2/ According to the latest poll, 64% of the city’s population opposes #China’s blackbox #nationalsecuritylegislation that completely bypasses local legislative scrutiny. However, Beijing chooses to ignore all critics and turns #HK into another Mainland city.
11/ My former colleague @chowtingagnes has just been arrested for violating the national security law, even though she quit the democracy group Demosisto, stopped her lobbying work and took down her Twitter account before the law went into effect.
2/ It overrode the local courts’ interpretation and rulings, supervise HKgov’s policing, collect intelligence and intervene in Hong Kong affairs directly. Beyond any doubt, the law will punch a hole in the city’s independent judicial system.
5/ *Standing with Hong Kong: An Interview with Joshua Wong, authors of #UnfreeSpeech, discuss free speech in Hong Kong, coronavirus, and the role of literature in campaigning for global democracy: pentransmissions.com/2020/03/31/sta…
More about my book: hyperurl.co/unfreespeech
2/ In fact, #nationalsecuritylaw will affect all netizens since #China has a long history of regarding critical voices on social media as a threat to its national security. It has imposed the most restrictive cybersecurity rules & clamped down on the flow of information in China.
3/ In the coming months, I will be facing a maximum of 5 years in jail for unauthorized assembly and up to one ridiculous year for wearing a mask in protest. But prison bars would never stop me from activism and thinking critically.
[WTH is going on in HK?]
While Beijing used the coronavirus to suppress protest with aggressive measures, it is my pleasure to explain with @dpletka & @marcthiessen from @AEI that why it’s more important than ever that the world stands with HK.
2.3/ It is by far the strongest criticism made among former public officers. Though these limited opposing opinion would not be able to prevent Beijing from doing so.
2. From growing unexamined ties with China, censored articles to expelled students, It is worrying that autonomy of Australia's universities now faces intensifying erosions.
What is particularly shocking about this retaliatory move, after the Trump administration took action against several Chinese Communist Party-controlled outlets, is that for the first time, those foreign correspondents are also barred from reporting from Hong Kong and Macau.
1/ Hong Kong police force has just announced to import 3,932 sets of tactical suits from a French company #Protecop. With its headquarters in Paris, Protecop is a defence manufacturer, who provides tailor-made protective equipment for police officers worldwide.
3/ For a long time, fleeing by sea has been commonly associated with countries grappling with armed conflicts and repression, as with Syria, Libya and Myanmar. It’s tragic that another is set to join them.