[The world please stands with #Thailand]
1. To stamp out pursuers for #Thailanddemocracy, a sweeping emergency decree was just announced, under which #Thai government banned mass gatherings, imposed media meltdown and can mobilize troops to crack down dissents.
See you tmr in street. We will fight for Hong Kong. We will rock you!
After one year, #HKPoliceBrutality intensifies. Tonight #hkpolice suddenly charged at unarmed #HKers causing chaos that made a pregnant woman fallen on the ground. #Police then pepper-sprayed reporters to stop them from reporting. #HongKongProtests twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
Oops. Looks like #Mulan is no longer searchable on Weibo. This should be a lesson for Disney: You can pour US$200 million into a project, hire pro-government actors, deny concentration camps' existence, pander to Chinese nationalism — and STILL get screwed big time.
#BoycottMulan twitter.com/Fleescotswhaha…
This is what we do in #AnimalCrossing... maybe it’s why these people are so anxious to go back to the game!!
Hi everyone, she supports authoritarian violence against pro-democracy protesters in #HongKong ⬇️ twitter.com/yifei_cc/statu…
I love Hong Kong.
Photo by Keith Macgregor.
2. I'm moved by what a 68yo lady says, "I’m here to fight for the future of my children and grandchildren. I hope by the time I die, they will become free.” On our cause for democracy, #Hongkongers’ hearts will always be with you. #19กันยาทวงอํานาจคืนราษฏร
Arrested at July 1 protest, this 23yo first motorcyclist/ first-aider with a #LiberateHongKong flag became the first person in #Hongkong charged for “inciting sedition and terrorism” under #nationalsecuritylaw. He will appear in West Kowloon Court today.
While buying paint for homework, a 12yo girl was brutally smashed to ground by #hkpolice, after she was terrified and tried to run away. In #policestate under #nationalsecuritylaw, you will face #policebrutality even though you are just going shopping.
twitter.com/galileocheng/s… twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
[11 Facts in Hong Kong]
1. We protested peacefully, and you charged us with illegal assembly.
2. We shielded ourselves with umbrellas, and you shot us with bullets.
3. We said you weren't there on July 21, and then you attacked us on August 31.
Hong Kongers disapprove Cop Backer @yifei_cc and Blackface @DonnieYenCT. That’s why we are calling for freedom-loving peoples everywhere to #BoycottMulan.
#Mulan #MilkTeaAlliance
Desperate, hopeless and depressed, a mother of #12hkyouths burst into tears when telling her son is sick w/o medicine in #China’s prison, with no updates nor access to lawyers for 2 weeks. She just wants to see her son one more time in her life. #save12hkyouths #SaveTheChildren
This is how #CCP police treated Hong Kong women. Hong Kong Police must stop the use of sexual violence. 1/6
Always in solidarity, no matter how hard the times.
#MilkTeaAlliance #奶茶聯盟
Hong Kong’s plight is a Tiananmen Square moment for the free world telegraph.co.uk/opinion/2020/0…
Thank you @GretaThunberg. Together we are the louder voice than can’t be silenced. twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
[First day of national security law: #HKers will not surrender]
1/ When #Beijing has defied social oppositions and enacted the sweeping #nationalsecuritylaw in #HK, The UK government has offered an important lifeboat by opening path to citizenship for #HKers.
Joshua Wong, has told ITV News that this is no time to surrender and their fight will go on. He has already been arrested and imprisoned several times for his part in demonstrations, but says he is prepared to do so again to preserve Hong Kong's freedoms. itv.com/news/2020-05-2…
After banned #AnimalCrossing in China, perhaps now might be the time for Beijing consider to ban #McDonald or at least not allow McDonald sale Chicken McNuggets and french fries together lol...... #TankMan