We must stand up and fight back. More than thousands of HKers take back to the street again, including @SunnyCheungky, #JannelleLeung, #TiffanyYuen and I. Time is running out in Hong Kong. We need to try our best to oppose the evil national security law.
Despite metro shutdown, brave #Thai defied draconian laws, flocked to streets and made their voices heard. Their determination for #Thailanddemocracy cannot be deterred.
#WhatIsHappeningInThailand #MilkTeaAlliance
#BREAKING Joshua is arrested when reporting to Central Police Station at about 1pm today. The arrest is related to participating in an unauthorized assembly on 5Oct last year. He is told to have violated the draconian anti-mask law as well.
[Finally, I have graduated!]
1. Today, I have received the graduate certificate from #OUHK, confirming that I have completed my Bachelor of Social Sciences (Politics and Public Administration) with Second Class Honours (Upper Divison) by the University's Senate.
If we can’t name it as Wuhan Virus, here is my understanding on COVID-19:
C hina
O riginated
V irus
I n
D ecember
“China has replaced its promised formula of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ with ‘One Country, One System.’” This is not only the perspective of HKers, which is also a general understanding of the global community.
When the authorities banned the website in Thailand, #MilkTeaAliance will help to spread the petition! I have sign on it already. Let us say no to political censorship. change.org/p/%E0%B8%AA%E0…
Before #Beijing is getting ready to impose the most controversial national security law upon #HongKong tonight. I unusually failed to post anything on my Facebook Page. #Article23 #nationalsecuritylaw #Hongkong
NMSL = No More Security Law
#JoshuaWong’s first letter from prison
1. Though I've been in prison three times, solitary confinement is far beyond my expectation. It's indeed hard to endure, but as many #hkprotesters face lawsuits/imprisonment like me, I hope you continue letting them know they are not alone
Welcome back on Twitter! @chowtingagnes twitter.com/chowtingagnes/…
Joshua Wong supported calls to boycott the movie, which will debut in cinemas. "Because Disney kowtows to Beijing, and because Liu Yifei openly and proudly endorses police brutality in HK, I urge everyone who believes in human rights to #BoycottMulan” nbcnews.com/news/world/dis…
[Protest outside Royal Thai Consulate-General in HK]
1/ 4yrs ago @nathanlawkc went to the Consulate to protest while I was detained by Thai immigration at Bangkok airport for 12 hrs. Tdy I returned to the same place in support of my frds in Thailand who are struggling right now.
HKPolice fired tear gas & pepper spray to disperse thousands protesting against Beijing’s plan to directly impose national security laws on HK. Armoured vehicles & water cannon deployed to tackle protests amid China plans to force through security laws. reuters.com/article/us-hon…
1/ It is crazy for #hkpolice to arrest the 81-yo veteran democrat #MartinLee, the Father of Democracy. He is the one who helped draft #HK’s basic law under #1country2systems. For almost 40 years, he has been promoting democracy and human rights in #HongKong.
최근 한국에서 코로나 19 확진자 수가 급격하게 증가하고 있어 안타까운 마음입니다. 지난 시간 많은 한국 국민들께서 ‘홍콩 민주화운동’을 지지하고 응원해주셨습니다. 응원해주셨던 한국 국민들께 항상 감사의 마음을 가지고 있습니다.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
After the US President signed on #HKHumanRightsandDemocracyAct, it’s time for celebration and take a short break with #PokemonSwordandShield.
Apart from #policebrutality, the world should also pay attention to #Thaiprotestors' creativity. Probably the first place where the powerless citizens use #RubberDuck to fight against tyranny.
Creativity wins.
Long live rubber ducks.
#whatishappeninginthailand #MilkTeaAlliance