Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷(@joshuawongcf)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

The masks will be delivered to councillors to help underprivileged sectors, especially poor people, street cleaners and the elderly. This could not be done without the help of overseas HK pro-democracy groups like @hkdc_us, @NY4HK and good-hearted overseas HKers in New York.
The thriving #YellowEconomicCircle shows a protest-led economy DOES work. We've boosted businesses during the virus, while reducing reliance on China. Let's take this initiative global! #黃色經濟圈 @SheridanAsia…
Joshua who expects to be arrested soon is clear about how he sees the future unfolding. "The media will be muzzled, the independence of judiciary will be eroded, elections may be canceled and cameras will be installed on streets to impose surveillance."…
Congratulations to Anthony Wallace @AntAFP for winning the 1st Price of Public’s Choice Award and 2nd Price of Photo Trophy International Jury Award on the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award for war correspondents.…
[#Apple should stop censoring #Telegram in #Belarus] 1. When dictator #Lukashenko silents dissents w/ police & bandits, @Apple now forces @telegram to block 3 #Belarusian channels ppl use to gather evidence of unlawful brutality. #AppleCensorsBelarus…
Chris Patten accuses China of 'mafia'-style tactics as HSBC row escalates. Hong Kong protest leader Joshua Wong fears more firms could be "forced to kowtow to Beijing" when security law is passed.…
[New era for #HK academia under uni head w/ #CCP membership] 1. Despite backslash, #HKU council, mostly appointed by pro-#Beijing #Carrielam, approved 2 #Chinese scholars incl one, #MaxShen,who's listed by #Tsinghua 3 times as "party committee member"…
🇦🇺 [Joshua Wong urges Australia to keep a close eye on the city]… "First, it's Hong Kong, next it's Taiwan. Later on, it's other countries in the Asia-Pacific. “I think it's for the better that Australia’s government is concerned.”
2/ During their remand period in prison, protesters were discriminately abused by prison guards, roughly 3 to 5 times every week. Prison wardens even threatened to withhold meals from protesters as a punishment to their criticisms on the Hong Kong government and police forces.
8/ Rather than putting dollar signs above democratic values, Germany should play an assertive global role in protecting civil liberties worldwide. To safeguard HK’s freedoms & foreign interests, I once again call upon the German Gov to urge China to withdraw the bill.
🇮🇹 Una Cina, un sistemaPer salvare Hong Kong c’è bisogno della comunità internazionale, dice Joshua. Da quando l’Assemblea Nazionale del Popolo ha approvato la legge sulla sicurezza nazionale, per l’ex colonia britannica è reato minare l’autorità di Pechino.
[Vlog: Police called me yesterday to notify me that I was prosecuted again]…
Hongkong : le militant Joshua Wong, relâché sous caution, n’a pas le droit de quitter le pays… via @le_Parisien
Under #nationalsecuritylaw & #China’s #WolfWarriorDiplomacy, it's just a matter of time for foreign firms to consider withdrawing from #Hongkong, esp when even Australian reporters can suddenly fall victim to #Beijing’s #hostagediplomacy threat overnight.…
9/ Also, Consider all necessary measures such as ruling out Huawei’s involvement in the local market. If Berlin remains silent on China’s reckless move, the world’s liberty will face a death blow after the fall of Hong Kong and then Taiwan.
For many years, HK has been taken advantage of by CCP as a tool to subsidise Tehran including retransferring weapon technology and components to Iran and re-exporting oil from Iran to China. HK should not become an accomplice for the authoritarian regime and this should end now!
I support Reporters Without Borders calls on the Chinese government to stop obstructing journalists covering the coronavirus epidemic and points out that only complete transparency will help to avoid the spread of rumours that exacerbate the crisis.…
6월 항쟁 33주년을 맞이하여 한국 정의당 국회의원 류호정 의원과 한국x홍콩 연대 대담<그날이 오면>을 진행합니다! 일시: 2020년6월10일 오후2시 장소: 대한민국 국회 류호정의원실 (영상통화) 주최·주관: 국회 류호정의원실, 다이얼로그차이나 한국대표부 *대담 영상은 추후 업로드 하겠습니다.
홍콩 민주화 인사 네이선 로, 2020 ‘타임지 영향력 100인’에 선정 @nathanlawkc
1/ Even in HK, the regime appears to have already exerted an influence over the Catholic diocese, directly or indirectly. Cardinal Tong issued instructions to all priests to “watch your language” in homilies & avoid making politically provocative comments.…
[Government must explain if election officers hold foreign passports]… A government that ignores privacy suddenly cares about privacy, which means it is hiding something. Those who take on political missions should not have two nationalities.
3/ The proposed national security agency is like the #secretpolice branch in HK. The biggest concern is arbitrary & political interpretation of the law, When using the law in China, lawyers, reporters, NGOs, religious groups were accused of “inciting subversion”.
2/ But #HK Judge offered sympathy to the assailant, without slamming his cruel move during sentencing yesterday. Instead, he violated his impartiality by spending one-third of the time criticizing #HKprotests & comparing victims that just delivered leaflets as "terrorist army”.
[Never Forget Never Forgive] @nathanlawkc, @ChuHoiDick, @JannelleRLeung, @tiffanyykw, Lester Shum, Gwyneth @KwaiLamHo, @SunnyCheungky and I hold candles as we joined others for a vigil to remember the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre at Victoria Park.