China has built 380 internment camps in Xinjiang, study finds theguardian.com/world/2020/sep…
Very strange. I thought Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China were all part of China 🧐 twitter.com/alvinllum/stat…
If China valued free speech, there would be no coronavirus crisis. Country could have contained spread of disease if only it had learned lessons from Sars outbreak. theguardian.com/world/2020/feb…
🇰🇷 @nathanlawkc and I laid flowers on the grave of casualties from Gwangju Democratization Movement. Someday, I hope to visit Gwangju in person to pay respects and lay flowers. My dear Korean friend Daeseon Lee laid flowers on my behalf.
[홍콩 시민과 한국 국민들이 40년 전 광주에서 있었던 많은 이들의 희생 잊지 않기를 바랍니다.]
올해는 518 광주민주화운동 40주년이 되는해입니다.
홍콩 시민과 한국 국민들이 40년 전 광주에서 있었던 많은 이들의 희생 잊지 않기를 바랍니다.
#HongKongers assemble!
I've explained countless times to what extent is democratic self-determination different from independence. So reading a title like this can be really confusing. Alright, let's be clear: I've never advocated independence at all. thetimes.co.uk/article/joshua…
이번에는 저와 홍콩 시민들이 한국에 위로의 마음과 응원의 마음을 전합니다. 한국 국민 여러분 함께 힘내요! 🇰🇷
Great to be able to tweet again. Picking up from where I left off earlier: I urge our American friends who support #HongKong to call your Representatives and Senators in Congress to back the #HKSHA. We did it with the landmark #HKHRDA last year. Let's do it again now. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
1/ Shopping, dining, silent protesting on Beijing's National Day. Despite heavy police control over city's most crowded district, familiar slogans #5Demandsnot1less #TimeofourRevolution #StandwithHK are echoed in the streets.
//If dozens of countries simultaneously upgraded their interaction with Taiwan, Chinese attempts to “punish” them all could instead leave Beijing isolated. Western governments could also push back against Chinese intimidation.//
Update: Over 130,000 #HKers have cast their votes in #HKprimaries today amid #Beijng's threat. At one of polling stations in Tin Shui Wai, hundreds of voters have been queuing up for more than two hours in order to cast their ballots in this presumably last free election of #HK. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
Today is the 1st anniversary of #hkprotester #AlexChow’s death. While #Hongkongers commemorated him with flowers and candles, #hkpolice rushed to disperse mourners citing #nationalsecuritylaw.
Lest we forget.
Photo: @studioincendo, @initiumnews, @dbchannel_hkers
Friends in America, check this new film out. It portrays argubly Hong Kong’s most important cultural icon of our generation 👇 twitter.com/jeffreychngo/s…
Wow, didn't know I'm single-handedly responsible for so many "conspiracies": first banning #AnimalCrossing in China, and now, disguised as Thai just to spread "fake rumors" about the Wuhan Virus's origin, advocate HK/TW independence and infiltrate Weibo 🤣🤣🤣 #驚天大陰謀 twitter.com/G_Jin_orz/stat…
3/ When world cheer & appalled for youth standing up against threats of climate change or dictatorship, we actually all play a role in the fights. No man is an island. We 're all living here today, and we will be living here tmr as well. It's not only up to the youngsters.
I believed #MilkTeaAlliance could create a “pan-Asia” grassroots movement that would draw more attention to social causes in Asia. “Be it Belarus, Thailand, or other places where injustice is happening, we are constantly fighting for the same beliefs."
"Now is the beginning of the end and time is really running out in Hong Kong, and that's the reason for us, even under the outbreak of COVID-19. We still need to gather our strength to protest," said democracy activist Joshua Wong.
#MilkTeaAlliance @AngAngOpilan and I share what this generation of Asian youth activists hopes to achieve.
1/ From hand signals to flashmobs, Thai activists are deploying tactics learned from Hong Kong. Meanwhile, HKers are organizing campaigns to support the Thai protests.
Fight for freedom. Stand with @BILD! twitter.com/jreichelt/stat…
1/ Using pandemic as an excuse to postpone the election is definitely a lie. In the past 6months the govt did not deter the inflow across the border, leading to the rebound today. twitter.com/hkfp/status/12…