fans asked why he uses the emoji hairpins so he said "i have too much hair so whenever i practice it pokes my eyes" then they asked if he bought them from china and he laughs and goes "i just had them" twitter.com/curiouszhangha…
instiz post about #이정현 #LEEJEONGHYEON titled "i honestly think it's possible for lee jeonghyeon to rise through over me and even debut"
"this feels like the last chance to rise fr
tbh he's the last in terms of screentime among k-group so even his rank this time is a miracle,
oh he's so witty writing 限量 = limited edition on the top with an infinity symbol ∞ for price hahaha
"let's meet a lot on stage in the future~!" twitter.com/zhloversclub/s…
모든게 다 이쁘다구여 장하오 twitter.com/juleosky/statu…
pic 1: actually when i was younger i had very bad body balance, so i would often fall down while climbing stairs ㅋㅋㅋ
pic 2: that's why my mom made me exercise. i never imagined that i would start liking dancing after entering college twitter.com/_mnetboysplane…
hao correcting the direction of one of the letters that was stuck wrong and the fans' comments are so cute they're like "wow hao is tall" which made him laugh and then they say "as expected 180 cm" and "there's nothing he lacks" twitter.com/hanna010613/st…
hao said sexy concepts are actually what he's most confident in and then did the choreo with the red string
overdose full team intros
hao: this friend beside me may have appeared sexy just now, but actually, he's a cutie who always needs his whipping cream topping while drinking green tea latte, lee jeonghyeon.
ljh: no words are required, right? our multifaceted leader who resembles a
ricky's ending ment was like "i'm happy you guys came"
"over me was crazy, they did body waves while sitting, while standing, sang over me over me like they want us to come to them, i almost got up on stage"
found these hilarious "bp trainees' character analyses through illegal parking (notes)" on pann [m.pann.nate.com/talk/369695589…] and i'm so sorry you have to zoom in and squint to read the translations hhh i tried my best
(seungeon's will be in the tweet below)
@/dint__music & @/bengalpark - the producer and choreographer of over me respectively who both appeared on the bp episode(s) too posted about overdose team on their ig accs! please go leave a like and a comment:
gunwook: charisma jjang, face jjang, skills jjang hao, what will you pick? twitter.com/juleosky/statu…
1) use all your gmail accs to press like
2) don't loop the vid w/ your acc logged in
3) stream it while logged out until the end w/o skipping any ads or rewinding/fastwording + stream hao fancams in bw
4) yt premium doesn't require logging out
5) better to use web instead of app twitter.com/nouu725/status…
ricky's ending pose was him doing (hand/finger) gun and blowing on it after shooting
translations of a trending pann post + top comments from 230324 about #나캠든 #NAKAMDEN #김태래 #KIMTAERAE #이정현 #LEEJEONGHYEON #리키 #RICKY
"but there really must be such a thing as star factor
seeing how even w/o much screentime, people like ktr, ricky, ljh, nkd are going
op coined these 3's combo name out of 1 syllable from each of their names as ung-jang-han (웅장한) = majestic twitter.com/Anndrozen/stat…
pic 1: permed my hair for the first time during elementary school vacations. it was so cute that two stranger noonas touched my hair while i was walking on the streets
pic 2: actually i used to always have my hair down before. i bleached my hair too much before i came here so it twitter.com/_mnetboysplane…
"if you're going to be a kpop idol, it's obvious that you should be good at korean" [slist.kr/news/articleVi…]
- zhang hao said that during practice at bp, whether it's w/ k or g group he tries to speak in korean w/ everyone while eating or dorming which has helped him improve
dimples were mentioned during taerae's debut member description ment and hao didn't know what the word meant in korean so he asked hanbin "what's 보조개?" and hanbin explained pointing at his own dimple twitter.com/boy_s_planet/s…
the past photos that have been circulating since yesterday seem to not have been uploaded on weibo either, so since the source is unknown, it would be better not to spread those pictures. @/yayale233 is the acc, please report without engaging. twitter.com/hammzzhang/sta…
pic 1: i went to everland with my family but it was really hot so i was very angry.
pic 2: first admission picture of my life. i was pretty during my kindergarten admission, right? twitter.com/_mnetboysplane…
zhang hao - whose name is often admired by kfans for being spelt in hangeul to have the same meaning as the (higher speech level of the) adjective used for when you're proud of someone - constantly mentioning in his speeches and messages that he wants to become our pride... sobs