
op pointing out how the love signal one is the only pola where he didn't write his name but they suspect he was being a lil pun king himself cuz signal = 信号 (xìnhào) in chinese twitter.com/kyu_0099/statu…
oh hao seems to have been winning the rummikub game against hanbin and doha twitter.com/oongoo_/status…
looks like they called actual people and hao asked where they were and they said at a fanmeeting "you went to a fanmeeting, that's why you wouldn't go on a date with me... is he better looking than me? (fans: no) haha i'm good at singing, too, lemme sing once~ (sings twitter.com/myzzyou/status…
the only picture of #성한빈 #SUNGHANBIN's boys planet diary entry from the kcon japan booth has a chunk of a portion cut off because it was covered by a different page, so i pieced the missing parts together from this one and translated it twitter.com/winsome_13in/s…
역시는 역시니까 투센은 투센이여야지 #ALLINwithROSIN
the song hao listened to during his trainee days because he said it felt lonely back then :((( open.spotify.com/track/20mZ4O5z…