Friends, @UNESCO & @i4policy have launched a campaign to combat disinformation & misinformation on #Covid19. Our #CoronavirusAlert is the campaign song. Create video, poster, comic etc, tag #dontgoviral, post on your platform and submit your content on bit.ly/dontgoviral
In my article to @VanguardAfrica, I call for more solidarity & collaboration as we face the #COVID19 pandemic. I also call for alertness- repressive regimes should not take advantage of this crisis to increase violence against citizens and abuse rights.
Friends, have you listened to our new song? I did 'Alone Altogether" with five artistes. The song features 12 past and present heads of state, & other prominent leaders. Thank you Brenhurst Foundation for bringing us together. #UnitedAgainstCOVID19
Yes! The message is going viral and wide. Keep sharing & Sensitizing the masses to Sanitize. Together we shall overcome #COVID19 ✊🏿 twitter.com/pinkrott13/sta…
As the world battles #COVID19, the nation of Italy (where I have many friends & family) continues to experience one of the darkest episodes with more people dying of the virus. Barbie & I send our deepest thoughts & condolences to the countless families affected. 🙏
Big up, Most Honorable Prime Minister. Thanks for the great work of keeping Jamaica safe and alert; and for truly believing in the power of music to impact society as we all confront this global #COVID19 pandemic. In solidarity, we shall win this war.
#UnitedAgainstCOVID19 twitter.com/AndrewHolnessJ…
Since morning we have received numerous requests for written authorization to play this song on TVs & Radio stations. Please go ahead and use it! It's not ours anymore but for the world. We're only trying to add our voice to the many ongoing efforts against #COVID19. Full video..
Watch as we use music to send the message and further raise awareness on the Corona Virus pandemic. We hope you enjoy the music, pick the message, share widely & spread the word. In solidarity, we shall beat the virus.
We shall win the fight against #COVIDー19 if we take those simple yet effective steps recommended by experts. Let the fight begin right from families & communities. Stop the stigma but remain alert. Everyone is a potential victim & potential carrier. #CreateAwareness #Twebelelemu
As MP for Kyadondo East Constituency, I convened a meeting with constituency leaders to discuss how to confront #COVIDー19. We agreed to lead by example & sensitise our communities to #SocialDistance, #WashHands & #ReportSymptoms. We distributed hand washing kits to the leaders
With Uganda recording its 1st case of #COVID19, let's not panic but be more responsible and cautious. Let's follow the guidelines given by experts and ensure we keep the virus from spreading. Let's change habits. Assume everyone is exposed. #SocialDistance
Fare thee well @_KennyRogers. Thank you for the music
As schools close mid-term & gov'ts take a raft of measures to control the spread of #COVID19, I stayed home to receive the little ones. First things first: Wash hands! We're praying for the world; rooting for health workers, and mourning with those who are losing loved ones.
As #Covid19 wrecks havoc around the world, I just took the #WashYourHands challenge to encourage us to heed the advice of medical experts. Wash hands regularly; practice social distancing; seek medical attention as soon as you have symptoms. Let's win the war against this virus
Earlier, went to Kololo Hospital to see Lt. Gen. Henry Tumukunde who has been admitted there for days after his arrest. Police increased deployment & blocked us despite protests from his family. Minutes later, they whisked him away! We struggle to end injustice by all and to all
We issued an international press statement about the heightened imprisonment, kidnap, torture and murder of #PeoplePower supporters in Uganda. We call upon all lovers of democracy and justice to join us in demanding accountability and justice!
Hosted the newly elected Speaker of Kampala, Rt. Hon. Abubakar Kawalya & other leaders at the #PeoplePower head office. Congratulated them & implored them to serve diligently. Tasked them to adhere to our values- Disciple, Reliability, Integrity, Inclusiveness, Fidelity & Service
In People Power, we believe that women are the fulcrum of every revolution. In spite of the very hostile environment, #WomenInPeoplePower work with rare courage & devotion to take our struggle forward. I celebrate them today & wish all women in Uganda & abroad a happy Women's Day
I'm open to transparent talks with anyone but before that, you & your father should stop actions that've left many orphans, widows & torture victims. Respect human rights & rule of law. Only free men can negotiate. Remove the boot off my neck & I'll have a voice to speak with you twitter.com/mkainerugaba/s…