After 13 days of incommunicado detention, our comrade #TracyBobiholic was smuggled into Court this afternoon in the absence of lawyers and sent to Luzira Prison. Charged with offensive communication. We're yet to speak to her & understand what they did to her in detention.
When my friend @Timothycho08 was telling his North Korea story at the #GenevaSummit2022, my mind went back to what my daughter Suubi was telling me some time ago back at home and it downed on me afresh. If we don't stop the M7 family rule, Uganda might end up like North Korea.
Amazaalibwa amalungi Ssebo Owekitiibwa Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga.
Tukwagaliza obulamu obulungi.
The abductors of these children's dad #BoscoKibalama also have children. I wonder how they feel about the fact that as they are bonding with their children this Sunday, Kibalama's children will be marking the 1,343rd day of despair since their father disappeared without a trace.
As Elie Wiesel famously said, "There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." Today comrade Sanya Muhydin Kakooza, one of our political prisoners, courageously protested before Gen. Gutti's military court!
“I stand with my brothers @Succes_MASRA, @AjakPeter and other Africans as they organize #FreeAfrica Rally on December 14th in the front of the White House. Free Africa fron tyrants, Free Uganda from #DictatorMuseveni.
The students of Uganda are finally reclaiming their voice. Congrats comrade Nasasira Bill Clinton, Guild President Mbarara University on your election as President, Uganda National Students Association (UNSA). Thank you and the @NUP_Ug Institutions Team team for beating the odds!
Bino byebiluma bali. twitter.com/kashmylove/sta…
WHERE IS HE? On 23rd Dec 2020, Kanatta Muhammad was picked up at 3:30am from Walusubi, Mukono. He was 44 at the time. He was the @NUP_Ug Parish leader. They broke into his house and took him away on gun point. To date, no one knows where he is. Left behind 4 wives, 13 children.
Our @NUP_Ug Deputy President, Buganda Region and Head of our Parliamentary team is one year older. Wishing you a very happy birthday Rt. Hon. @MathiasMpuuga. Thank you for everything you do to advance the cause!
The continuous attack on @FDCOfficial1 by this Media House must not be celebrated by anybody fighting for democracy in Uganda. Dictatorships always try to discredit, embarrass and humiliate opponents. The objective is to discourage & create hopelessness within the population.
Today I celebrate a brother, a friend and a comrade. May you have a reflective and positive day. God has already used you to bless our country, am sure he's still going to use you for great things.
Happy birthday kablaza @DavidLRubongoya 👊🏾
Award winning human rights lawyer @nickopiyo abducted by security from restaurant in Kamwokya, alongside other lawyers investigating murders of 18th & 19th, Nov. Thrown into private van with tinted glasses & driven at breakneck speed to unknown destination. Regime in panic!
Don't ever underestimate the power of example.
People do what you show them, not what you tell them.
Do you ever wonder why politicians are the least trusted people in society?
It's because they say one thing but do the other.
This is the road that connects Obongi district to Moyo! We spent hours trying to wade through the perennially flooded roads! 35 years later! While here, I kept thinking about pregnant mothers who have to cross in order to find a health facility, if any!
Thank you @janeflan and @thetimes for this insightful article.