James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Where are all the Tories explaining that worried parents can pay the VAT on their school fees by cancelling Netflix, eating fewer avocados or getting a better job? A job for 30p Lee if ever there was one...
While the speed of self-destruction is remarkable, Truss as PM isn't an aberration or accident. It's an inevitable & logical consequence of the trashing of truth & norms that the Conservative Party embraced for Brexit. And they're at least one more leader from acknowledging this.
In the absence of any explanation from @bbclaurak for her dereliction of duty yesterday, you have to assume that she chose not to upset The Sun editor from fear of the consequences. This would also explain why she has never spoken up for colleagues monstered by right-wing papers.
Suella Braverman is now perilously close to making Priti Patel look like the second most callous & ignorant Home Secretary in living memory.
I'm increasingly convinced that these weird new TV channels set up by non-dom billionaires & staffed by various misfits & rejects are designed to create a media ecosystem in which right-wing politicians can pretend they're facing scrutiny while avoiding proper journalists.
For the umpteenth time, Johnson's depravity corrupts *everybody* he comes into contact with. Case surely can't survive this. Ditto Braverman & her latest leak. Truss has already gone. But last weekend the dregs of the post-Brexit Tory party wanted to give Johnson another chance! twitter.com/TLDRNewsUK/sta…
The continuing delusion that Brexit was in any way a good idea has turned the Tory party into a place where stupidity is rewarded & incompetence promoted. This, when you think about it, was absolutely inevitable. It can’t end until someone in the party starts telling the truth.
It was on Monday that I explained why the government & right-wing, pro-Brexit media would be ramping up refugee hatred to repugnant & unprecedented levels. For fairly obvious reasons. I confess I didn’t think it would move this far this fast. But here we are.
Superb & shocking journalism. Helpfully encapsulated in this thread. And it hasn’t happened by accident. The media & political machinery dedicated to delivering this inequality (NB in countries where Rupert Murdoch concentrates his power) is immense. twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/s…
To think that these unutterable scumbags dared to call those of us sounding the alarm ‘unpatriotic’…
This is harrowing & horrible. And given Braverman’s ‘dream’ of deporting refugees, you have to wonder whether she also derives some sort of sick pleasure from treating these desperate & vulnerable people so appallingly. It’s all so very, very sad. thetimes.co.uk/article/suella…
As the true depths of Donald Trump’s seditious depravity are finally confirmed, it’s amazing to remember how many U.K. pundits & politicians lionised & defended him. Most of them are simultaneously being proved catastrophically wrong about Brexit too. Don’t expect any apologies!
Johnson tried to disown nine years of Tory rule, Truss is trying to disown twelve. Remarkable how so many MPs can be committed to completely contradictory policy platforms & how many newspaper editors can keep insisting that the latest leader is the best thing since sliced bread.
So it took Sunak fewer than five hours to make a complete mockery of everything he said about integrity & accountability. That's Trussian speed. twitter.com/ShippersUnboun…
Here’s a story that, in our ludicrously mafioso media, will receive approximately one twentieth of the attention it so obviously deserves. theguardian.com/media/2022/oct…
Braverman’s defence - and now Gove’s defence of her - is that she accidentally sent a sensitive document to someone who was not permitted to see it it while trying to *deliberately* send it to someone else who was also not permitted to see it. Ridiculous. inews.co.uk/news/politics/…
And there it is. Treating the public purse like a piggy bank. I presume he did this instead of scrounging off another donor to make it look official. twitter.com/breeallegretti…
'Jury's out' on Macron, BFF with the fascist. twitter.com/trussliz/statu…
So, finally, we can agree that no TV or radio producer or presenter should book a 'guest' from @iealondon, @CPSThinkTank, @ASI, @the_tpa, @Policy_Exchange unless they are trying to mislead their listeners/viewers. I have no beef at all with people who didn't get this until today.
Remarkably, there is no catastrophe of Liz Truss’s creation that cannot be made worse by Liz Truss talking about it.
Cast a cursory glance at Mail headlines over the last few years - from ‘Enemies Of The People’ to ‘Lefty Lawyers Have Blood On Their Hands’ - & appreciate the level of hypocrisy required to now be calling for a single lawyer’s paid for opinion to override parliamentary procedure.
Anyway, back to the absolute disgrace of bringing Suella Braverman back in to the Cabinet six days after she was fired for gross misconduct…
Truss & Kwarteng pinned the economic health of the entire country on the advice of weirdo 'economists' already proved catastrophically wrong about Brexit. 'Lord' Frost is giving interviews claiming that everything's going according to plan. It's Monday.
They used Farage's base racism to get Brexit over the line. Some of them quite happily, some of them holding their noses. Then Brexit made *everything* worse so they're resurrecting Farage's base racism to distract from the absolute mess they've made. No 'patriot' would let them.
If you were watching this overseas, without much knowledge of the state of UK politics, you'd take some serious convincing that this is a real politician and not a comedy skit you don't understand. twitter.com/BestForBritain…