James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

The day after a migrant processing centre was fire-bombed, the BBC gets Farage out of the crypt. How very, very stupid.
"I believe his behaviour towards Boris Johnson, his disloyalty, means that I could not possibly support him." Jacob Rees-Mogg, July 2022. twitter.com/Jacob_Rees_Mog…
An unbelievably awful PMQs debut from Rishi Sunak. Like a tone deaf karaoke singer doing Boris Johnson's greatest hits.
That Jeremy Clarkson column is right down there with the Hopkins one about cockroaches. Gobsmacked that it got published at all and staggered that the editor of The Sun wasn't asked about it by @bbclaurak on BBC 1 this morning. What an absolute shower of shite.
The Murdoch/Barclay/Rothermere plutocracy wanted Brexit, wanted May, wanted Johnson & wanted Truss. And they got the lot. I have no idea what they'll want next but recent history suggests it won't be good for the rest of us.
Johnson completely destroyed any claim the Conservatives could lay to probity, ‘family values’ or law & order. Truss & Kwarteng have torched any claim to fiscal responsibility. It’s hard to see what’s left.
Amazing how none of the people who insisted Brexit would be brilliant are taking any responsibility at all for it being rubbish. Arguably, even more amazing that people who knew it would be rubbish think they have to pretend it isn’t in order to get elected. What a sorry mess.
This is a party that's spent years successfully lying about Brexit being a good idea, Boris Johnson getting all the big calls right, Owen Paterson being innocent & people driving to Barnard Castle to test their eyesight. Claiming that there is currently no crisis is child's play.
If committed Lib Dem Liz Truss had decided in her twenties to infiltrate the Conservative Party in order to become leader & screw it up from the inside, how exactly would she have behaved differently over the last month?
Sunak’s just rubbish. Completely rubbish. It’s an improvement of sorts on the depravity of Johnson & the weapons grade incompetence of Truss but, my gosh, the post-Brexit Tory party’s talent pool is barely a puddle now.
As we possibly prepare to start the clock on the next Boris Johnson scandal, here's one you may have missed... twitter.com/Gabriel_Pogrun…
More than six years after the Brexit vote, the Daily Mail gives a full page to Daniel Hannan to explain why he has a better grasp of everything currently happening than Mark Carney, the Bank of England, the Economist, the IMF, the 'markets', credit agencies, the OBR, the IFS...
Every word of this. twitter.com/thenitinsawhne…
The terror of being trolled by morally bankrupt newspaper editors has prompted many organisations & institutions to cancel events that should clearly be going ahead. This tyranny of bullies who routinely whine about ‘cancel culture’ & profess their ‘patriotism’ insults us all.
Absolutely incredible. Completely busted for utter bullshit & she doesn’t even draw breath. twitter.com/PatrickSmyth/s…
The second round of a con is always the most baffling to observers. Victims of scams send *more* money to scammers because they’re just not ready to admit the scale of their costly mistake. The offer to keep the ‘dream’ alive is irresistible. And so it is now with the Tory party.
You really have to wonder just how bad things have to get before we can all agree that we really, really need to be in the single market
Truss's claim that companies untroubled by windfall taxes will instead invest heavily in infrastructure will comes as quite a shock to water companies.
The only thing we need to understand about Harry & Meghan is that if they don’t tell their story themselves, it will be told instead by ‘journalists’ whose livelihoods depend on denigrating them.
If you think the people who voted to keep Matt Hancock in the jungle are easily manipulated, just wait until you hear about Brexit.
It's remarkable how attitudes to both asylum-seekers and benefits claimants soften when the Daily Mail isn't raging against them every morning. I often wonder what the country would be like if stoking hatred & division hadn't proved so profitable for Rothermere, Murdoch & co.
I'm pre-blocked by two of these accounts. Is it some sort of bot/troll farm?