James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Starmer's completely destroyed Truss today, and nobody's been more helpful to him than Kwasi Kwarteng. Incredible. Even her braindead 2019-intake backbenchers will have noticed.
No matter how flowery your language or forgetful your fans, you can either respect the monarchy & revere the late Queen or you can send Jacob Rees-Mogg to Balmoral to mislead her about the unlawful proroguing of her Parliament. You clearly & categorically can’t do both.
The terror of being trolled by morally bankrupt newspaper editors has prompted many organisations & institutions to cancel events that should clearly be going ahead. This tyranny of bullies who routinely whine about ‘cancel culture’ & profess their ‘patriotism’ insults us all.
Perfect Horatio quote at the end there from the new King. It's spoken with such similar love & sorrow at the end of Hamlet. Always brings a tear to the eye.
A perfectly-judged & proudly woke speech from King Charles.
Ukrainian forces are making some astonishing gains. There is a genuine sense in reports of the game changing in real time. twitter.com/DefenceHQ/stat…
John Redwood is trending because he has said something sensible for the first time in his life. What a time to be alive! twitter.com/johnredwood/st…
We all mourn in different ways, of course, but defending a man who misled the Queen about a matter of such constitutional importance is at best bizarre, at worst insulting to her memory. I understand why people balk so violently at being reminded of this. But I won’t be stopping. twitter.com/LBC/status/156…
This stinks. And trying to silence Femi like this will only make things worse. When you’re in a ‘Tommy Robinson’-shaped hole, stop digging. twitter.com/Femi_Sorry/sta…
Absolute masterclass in bullshit repulsion. twitter.com/DrMatthewSweet…
A government of despicable ghouls. insidehousing.co.uk/news/fire-chie…
Downing Street has advised London commuters to work from home this week. Rees-Mogg is going to need a *lot* of those pissy post-it notes.
And it is *always* the kind of men who do this sort of thing without even noticing who rail against the very idea that 'unconscious bias' even exists. twitter.com/davidyelland/s…
I would appreciate it if Center Parcs hold off any u-turns until at least 11am tomorrow, ideally 1pm. Thank you.
“On a more positive note, the good news is I’ve been promoted. So every cloud.” theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/s…
'Patriotism', Brexit-style.' twitter.com/Otto_English/s…
Feels like only yesterday he was slagging off the King for criticising Vladimir Putin. 'Patriotism', Farage-style. twitter.com/Nigel_Farage/s…
Very proud to be asked to do this. Link to the whole thing below Joe's tweet for one more day. twitter.com/joetracini/sta…
Not hard to see why *nobody* was prepared to put their name to this guff. twitter.com/DrMatthewSweet…
Thank goodness. Who can be expected to perform well when bonuses are restricted to a piddling 200% of salary? twitter.com/FT/status/1570…
How dare *foreign* newspapers point out things that might make some of us feel uncomfortable about the ludicrous levels of deference drilled into us from birth! twitter.com/nytimes/status…